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Y Axis mis-read  

New Member
Y Axis mis-read

My MK3S has been working great for some time. I turned it off for a couple days, and when I turned it on last night all was well. I started a print and left the machine to work. Several hours into the print, it crashed. What had printed looked good. I scrapped the piece and started over. The machine immediately crashed again, because the build plate was all the way forward and wouldn't retract. I attempted to manually move the Y axis, but it would only travel from +5.0 (the furthest point forward for my machine) to -4.0. I tried self-testing and calibrating several times. It finally said all was good and I started another print. Within a few minutes, the build plate was in the forward position and stopped retracting. The machine keeps trying to move it, but nothing happens but a lot of noise from the Y belt. What do I need to do to fix this problem? I'm running the latest firmware (3.10.0), and there are not obstructions that I can see to cause a mis-read of the Y position.

Thank you!

Napsal : 06/09/2021 6:39 am
Veteran Member Moderator

does the Y platform move smoothly by hand. ?

If not, then you need to find out why not. 

Sometimes this can happen when the printer is assembled in line with the prusa assembly instructions, and the transport rust protection oil dries out. the linear bearings can jam in odd manners... 

irrespective of how you read the assembly instructions, I always lube my linear bearings, and so far it has never done me any harm.

regards Joan

other causes can also affect opperation

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 06/09/2021 6:49 am
New Member
RE: Latest Firmware is the issue.

We have the same issue.

Except for us, a print will run fine. Then when we go to start another print, the Y-Axis will assume it is in a different position and continue trying to move the bed forward when it is already at max forward position. We have to reset the printer and then it is fine. If we don't reset the printer, the stepper motor will continue until the belt is possibly stripped. This happened on a new printer we received this week.

Resetting the printer and pushing the y-axis all the way back between prints isn't user friendly.

Flashing an older firmware fixes it.
Flashing back to latest re-introduces the issue.

The latest firmware has a bug where it is not saving the last known y-axis position. Every other axis is unaffected.

This post was modified před 4 years by Intex
Napsal : 06/09/2021 10:51 am