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Y-axis length changed??  

New Member
Y-axis length changed??

Alright, here's a weird one.. I have a mk3s with mmu2 that's been printing great for the past 2 months.. I've had a couple of failed prints due to bad slicing (my own fault) but today I went to try a print, and the mesh leveling failed along the last row.

When I ran the XYZ calibration, I noticed that when the printer got to the rear quadrants of the bed, the Y axis was hitting the end of the rail.

So I did a test of lining the nozzle up to the measurement guide on the heatplate and used the panel to move Y 50mm and compare to the guide. It moved about 53-54mm.

Running the full setup wizard, I get an error that says the Y axis length is incorrect.

I visually checked over everything for the Y axis. The belt has good tension, both pulleys are solidly against their mounts, and the bearing brackets are tight enough for them not to rattle (but not so much the bearings get warped). 

I don't see any obstructions on the rails themselves, and manually moving the Y axis, the bearings go right up to the railstops.

I haven't done any firmware hacking on my printer. Firmware version 3.7.2-2363.


Any ideas?

Posted : 11/09/2019 11:54 pm
Noble Member
RE: Y-axis length changed??

Nothing but obvious suggestions:

Look for cables or anything else hanging down and catching on something. That very much includes the hot bed cable.

Power off, the Y axis should move smoothly both directions, end to end.

Still sounds like something is interfering with Y travel.

One more thing: make sure the motor pulley is not slipping on the shaft.

This post was modified 5 years ago by rmm200
Posted : 12/09/2019 12:10 am
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: Y-axis length changed??

mk3s that has changed its XY homing position.

Check that the PINDA mount has not melted and caused the PINDA to no longer be vertical.

Posted : 12/09/2019 6:02 am