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XYZ-Positions still correct if I bumped the printer?  

Trusted Member
XYZ-Positions still correct if I bumped the printer?


I just want to be sure (better safe than sorry). I'm not asking about the situation while the printer is printing.

If a printer is in standby (so no printing), it may happen that I bump slightly against the extruder (X/Y-Axis) or move the bed (Z-axis) while cleaning the bed. Also the bed is often shifted if I apply the bed on carrier (damn strong magnet who want eat my fingers 😆 ).

If that happens, do I have to turn off and on the printer before start print? Or do I have redo xyz-calibration? Or just start printing, because it printer always checks the positions before start printing?

Best regards

Best Answer by Neophyl:

When you start a print, assuming you are using anything remotely like the normal prusa start gcode then it will perform a G28 command and home the axis positions (set the zero point for X/Y/Z) and then do a mesh level anyway.  ANY new print should always be homing first.  You will see the extruder move to the left and determine zero, move the bed and determine its zero and then the extruder will lower until the pinda sensor kicks in to determine the Z axis zero position.

Unless you do something catastrophic to the printer that will be enough, anything else (or physical changes, swopping parts/ adjusting belts etc) then you will usually have to do the calibration process again to save new calib data.  Then re-do your z height adjustment etc to get a new good first layer.  Moving the printer of cleaning it or just all the 101 normal things you do between prints the Home process takes care of.

This topic was modified před 4 years by floh
Napsal : 10/11/2020 12:44 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: XYZ-Positions still correct if I bumped the printer?

When you start a print, assuming you are using anything remotely like the normal prusa start gcode then it will perform a G28 command and home the axis positions (set the zero point for X/Y/Z) and then do a mesh level anyway.  ANY new print should always be homing first.  You will see the extruder move to the left and determine zero, move the bed and determine its zero and then the extruder will lower until the pinda sensor kicks in to determine the Z axis zero position.

Unless you do something catastrophic to the printer that will be enough, anything else (or physical changes, swopping parts/ adjusting belts etc) then you will usually have to do the calibration process again to save new calib data.  Then re-do your z height adjustment etc to get a new good first layer.  Moving the printer of cleaning it or just all the 101 normal things you do between prints the Home process takes care of.

Napsal : 10/11/2020 1:10 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: XYZ-Positions still correct if I bumped the printer?

Thank you a lot.

Napsal : 10/11/2020 6:54 pm