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X axis failure  

New Member
X axis failure

I was getting consistent prints with no issues, however when I upgraded to the new firmware, 3.8.1, I have nothing but issues. The biggest one is the X Axis constantly failing. Even trying to calibrate the XYZ Axis lead to failures. I noticed that the extruder was not fully traveling to the right when attempting to calibrate. I was able to finally get a successful X Axis calibration, when I noticed that the extruder wasn't going all the way to the left when starting out, I helped it get there. However, print fails either with the extruder not knowing where its at (X,Y coordinates) or it cant find the calibration points.

Looking through the forums, I saw that it was a good idea to go back to the previous firmware. I reverted back to the old firmware, 3.8.0 and was successful able to get it calibrated with no issues. However, during the first print after the successful calibration, the printer was printing the outer wall, and the screen stated it detected a crash. It decided to continue with the print, without my interaction, and stop extruding filament and decided to travel all the way to the right, and attempt to travel more right. Then it stopped and started extruding filament, off the printer. It then continued its print as if nothing happened, however it was no where near the correct location.


Any ideas?

Veröffentlicht : 24/11/2019 4:00 pm
Noble Member
RE: X axis failure

Power off the printer and move the extruder from left to right and back. Do you feel any binding either direction?

If so, that is your problem. This has been covered extensively in this forum. Let us know what you find. And if you need more help.

Veröffentlicht : 24/11/2019 7:04 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: X axis failure


There is no binding in either direction. It moves freely and easily. I never saw a notification, hence the extremely late response. 

Veröffentlicht : 14/12/2019 2:03 pm