Wiry filament sticking off print, Y crashes, and interior support fails
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Wiry filament sticking off print, Y crashes, and interior support fails  

Sam Peterson Art
Wiry filament sticking off print, Y crashes, and interior support fails

Hello, I recently got a Prusa i3 MK3S after having a lot of issues with my Ender 3 that was a few years old (but I admittedly only used it a handful of times back when I got it). I got the Prusa from my brother’s friend and it sounds like it is a couple years old but has only been used for a handful of prints. 

When I first got the Prusa I ran the configuration process, got the first layer nice and dialed in, and had some successful simple prints. The Benchy test looked good as well (lowering the temp reduced the stringing in the photo). But I’ve been trying to print these skulls lately and am having all sorts of problems. I imagine these problems might be related to each other as well.

1) I keep getting wiry strands of filament sticking off the surface of the finished print. Not stringing, but actual pieces of filament sticking out like a wire.

2) I keep getting axis crashes during the prints lately. I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten “X Crash Detected” errors before, but I think it’s mostly “Y Crash Detected” errors. A lot of times the printer just resumes after the error, but sometimes it stops the print and makes me manually resume. This last print had 48 Y crashes. (Not sure if this is due to the nozzle hitting the wiry bits of filament sticking out)

3) Internal support failure. On a few of these last prints the internal organic supports broke off and tipped over during the print. I thought the filament for those supports may have caused the random wiry bits sticking out, but I increased the Support Extrusion Width for this last print and I think the internal supports held up. At least I never saw them collapse the few times I checked on the print, but I can’t be sure. The external supports have been great, adhesion has been great, but the internal supports have had more difficulty.

I’ve played around with the temperature and support extrusion width but really not sure where to go from here. I’m still pretty new to 3D printing so any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!


Veröffentlicht : 25/07/2024 7:59 pm