Wire crimped and how to clean extruder?
Hi all,
I had a clog this weekend with my revo 6 rapidchange hot end. I took a part the hot end and have ordered new PTFE.
I noticed when taking it a part that the wires are a little compressed/squished for the motor. Should I be concerned about this?
Also, it seems the place where the filament feeds into the extruder is a little dirty/worn out (where the filament feeds into 3D printed parts). Is there a best way to clean this without hurting the 3D printed parts?
RE: Wire crimped and how to clean extruder?
When assembling the extruder, you must ensure that no cables will be damaged.
You can clean the drive gears with a soft brass brush and the plastic parts with a medium-hard brush and compressed air. As I don't have a compressor, I like to use this tool:
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