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Wifi - what am I missing?  

Edward B
Active Member
Wifi - what am I missing?

One of the "New Features" listed when I purchased my MK3/S kit a couple weeks ago is "Optional WIFI with Octoprint interface included". I've got my kit assembled and successfully printing from SD card. It is way too far from my computer to connect via USB (though I have updated to the latest firmware (3.7.0-2200)). But I can not find any documentation on how to setup the wifi. Any pointers to where I should be looking?

Publié : 14/04/2019 2:58 am
Noble Member
Re: Wifi - what am I missing?

im almost sure you have to get a raspberry pi w to get that. they are dirt cheep well worth it

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 14/04/2019 3:14 am
World Terrain Factory
Active Member
Re: Wifi - what am I missing?

It is an optional feature. It does not come with WIFI built onto the board but has a slot for a Raspberry Pi Zero W that you can install Octoprint on and enable its features.

You can find the installation instructions here:

Publié : 14/04/2019 3:15 am
Edward B
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wifi - what am I missing?

So, I read that wrong then?

Optional (WIFI with (Octoprint interface included))
(Optional WIFI with Octoprint interface) included

Wow. Okay then. I took optional to mean it didn't have to be used and included to mean it was present.

Thanks for the link to the manual. I wasn't finding it at all with a search for "wifi".

Ugh, soldering required? I enjoyed assembling the printer, but I don't even have the tool/supplies to do soldering. Haven't soldered any electronics in almost 30 years now. I was looking forward to the wifi instead of running the SD card up/down stairs. But that soldering could be a deterrent. Maybe I'll look into that FlashAir wifi SD card option I saw in my search.

Publié : 14/04/2019 3:31 am
Noble Member
Re: Wifi - what am I missing?

the "soldering" is like 6 pins. on the pi. good practice, hard to screw up

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Publié : 14/04/2019 3:35 am
Peter in Katy
Estimable Member
Re: Wifi - what am I missing?

You could also use a Raspberry Pi 3 B(+) to connect through the USB port.
Same WiFi support, except you'd be able to add a camera.

There are plenty of tutorials and Pi cases available online.

Publié : 14/04/2019 12:22 pm
Edward B
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Wifi - what am I missing?

Okay, after a short vacation where all I was thinking about was my printer sitting there assembled and unused, I'm back, got a soldering iron, flux, solder, raspberry pi, pins, bracket, and a spool of PETG to print out the couple parts.

The soldering was about as much fun as I expected, except my hands aren't as steady and my eyes not as good as they were when I last did it 30 years ago. 6 pins to solder. 5 no problem at all. 1 took me 5 tries to convince it and the solder to stick to the board.

Last minute run down to Wal-Mart (because every place else closes early since today is apparently a holiday) for a microSD card that I missed was needed for the raspberry pi. (That was an experience! Forced to pay for the $5 card in the electronics section in the back of the store. Trying to leave the store: "Hey! What's in that bag? Do you have a receipt for that? Can I see the receipt?" If you're going to hassle me over a $5 item, why make me pay for it in the back of the store instead of at the regular checkout? If I'm going to steal an SD card, why would I take the smallest (16 GB) one you have instead of that nice juicy 256 GB one?)

Got home, did the SD card stuff, plugged it in and wifi worked!

I'm not going to bother with attaching a camera. I just ordered a wifi camera to setup next to it. (nothing to do with that I somehow missed that last post about using a pi 3 for getting the camera option until way too late)

Once again, thanks for all the help here!

I still think they should re-word their statement about "optional wifi ... included" though. It is too easy to misinterpret.

Publié : 22/04/2019 3:20 am
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