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Where to find a heat cartridge replacement  

Miquel Adell
Trusted Member
Where to find a heat cartridge replacement


Everything was working fine until today I decided to change nozzles. To do that I use pliers to avoid the heatblock from moving while I unscrew the nozzle with one of the spanners that came with the nozzles.

I did that half a dozen times without problem but today, after doing that I broke one of the two cables that come out of the red insulation and into the heat block.

I'll ned a replacement I guess because I don't think I can solder that.

I was looking at the prusa shop and although I seem to remember having seen those cables on the sop but can't find them there now.

Are they there?

If they aren't could you suggest a reseller for that part? preferably shipping from the European Union.

Thanks a lot.

PS I need some other way of securing the heat block to unscrew the nozzle 🙁

Napsal : 04/07/2018 6:20 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

not sure about EU shipping, but they are available from amazon, E3D via their online store and prusa directly. If they don't show on prusa shop then check with support, I think they used to have to set a flag in your account to via mk3 replacement parts.

search for E3D heater cartridge and make sure its the 40W 24V version.

Napsal : 04/07/2018 6:50 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

Prusa do have them:

If you cant see this, contact support, my account wasn't originally able to see all the Mk3 parts!

Napsal : 04/07/2018 7:14 pm
Miquel Adell
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

I wasn't seeing that because I was not logged in at the store.

Thank you both!

Napsal : 04/07/2018 8:36 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

E3D ships from EU (for now), they also have another 30W "High Precision Heater Cartridge" with a 24V version:

I do have one of those and is planning of changing to that when eventually changing the stock heat break to stock V6 or titanium maybe.

30W should be fine i think, may take slightly longer to heat up but that is not a problem when the bed takes longer anyway.

Not sure if the cables would hold up better or the "High Precision" makes it heat up about equal to normal 40W.

Napsal : 05/07/2018 12:35 pm
Michael K.
Eminent Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

E3D also has the 40W and 24V heater cartridge and I would go for it, the price is really only a tiny bit higher and saves some wait time.

Napsal : 05/07/2018 2:09 pm
Active Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

Mine isn't visibly damaged, but the temperature reading drifts dramatically as the head moves side to side. It seemed like the heater cartridge wires are the culprit, as it drifted when I moved them, but that doesn't make sense, right? So it must be the thermistor.

I couldn't find a BOM for the Mk2 (from the upgrade kit); is this the correct one? (there is also a PT100).

While I'm in there repairing this... Anyone have experience with the "high precision" cartridge?

They don't do a good job of differentiating their parts 😡

Napsal : 17/07/2018 5:06 am
Prominent Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

I would avoid the high precision, at least on the Mk3. the Molex connector is going to make a big bulge in your wiring look and we all know how tidy and tight the wiring has to be to not limit the carriage movements.

The same applies to the thermistor cartridge, another Molex.

For this reason it is better to but the parts from Prusa. They are the same parts but with custom full length wiring to solve the Molex issue.

On the other hand if you are cool with soldering and heat shrinking wire connections then the E3D stuff will be fine.

The high precision heater does look interesting though, but it is only 30w... 🙂

Napsal : 17/07/2018 7:36 am
Active Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

Very good points! Looking at my Mk2, it looks like there is a molex connector for the thermistor but not the heater, I think that connect is actually the issue with my printer now that you point it out.

Prusa doesn't *seem* to replacements for these on their store, though (there are only a few parts I can see), and I'm actually still using a Mk2 (I heard the Mk3 is basically a complete rebuild, so even if I buy one, I want to make sure my Mk2 is working well).

In either case, it would be ideal if we could find a more local vendor in the US than shipping form halfway around the world 🙂

Napsal : 18/07/2018 12:39 am
New Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

hi all.. pretty new in the 3d printing world here. would there be anyone in the US, the would sell the replacement part for the prusa i3 mk3 3d printer? i am looking for 24 volt 40 watts heater cartridge. any of you know, anyone in the US that would have them.

thanks and good day(or night) to all

Napsal : 02/11/2018 11:32 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

here you go greg

Napsal : 03/11/2018 2:42 am
Peter in Katy
Estimable Member
Re: Where to find a heat cartridge replacement

This should work.

Napsal : 03/11/2018 2:42 pm