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Where do you guys order replacement parts from?  

Estimable Member
Where do you guys order replacement parts from?

I was looking to order a new LCD screen and cables as i suspect i may have damaged mine during the build. pretty sure i damaged the cables stuffing them into the aluminum extrusion, not a huge deal printer works fine printing wise but right side of LCD doesnt display at all.

However the prusa website only has the 3dprinted parts available for sale, as well as a few minor things like nozzles and the stick on PEI sheets, i couldn't find much else listed there as far as spare parts go.

I ended up ordering a LCD and cables from ebay for under $10 and i think what i ordered will work, just seemed odd to me the total lack of replacement parts available from prusa.

Posted : 09/07/2018 8:05 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Where do you guys order replacement parts from?

All official replacement parts can be found here:

If you can't see the parts on that link start a live chat with Prusa support and tell them you need access to the MK3 replacement part store. All Prusa owners can order official replacement parts through the Prusa web shop.

Posted : 09/07/2018 8:24 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Where do you guys order replacement parts from?

It says i do not have access to that page, you would think placing an order for a mk3 would automatically unlock that on your account but i guess not. Thanks for the tip ill contact support.

Posted : 09/07/2018 11:43 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Where do you guys order replacement parts from?

I didn't have access initially either. They'll fix it quickly, just let them know.

Posted : 09/07/2018 11:56 pm
New Member
Re: Where do you guys order replacement parts from?

I have also no access to the site 🙁

Posted : 15/01/2019 3:04 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Where do you guys order replacement parts from?

I have also no access to the site 🙁

Contact support via live chat and they’ll give it to you

Posted : 15/01/2019 3:32 pm
New Member
RE: Where do you guys order replacement parts from?
Posted by: nathan0876

It says i do not have access to that page, you would think placing an order for a mk3 would automatically unlock that on your account but i guess not. Thanks for the tip ill contact support.

I had to login to my Prusa Account in order to access the site.

As soon as I did I also had a "Spare Parts" button in the Shop.

Posted : 05/06/2019 5:28 am
-- liked
Illustrious Member
RE: Where do you guys order replacement parts from?

Yes - users must LOG-IN to the store account to see most of what Prusa has to sell for spare parts.


Do I hear an echo ?

This post was modified 5 years ago by --
Posted : 05/06/2019 6:25 am
Active Member
RE: Where do you guys order replacement parts from?

Hi everyone,

I hope y'all are doing well during these times.

Mine printer is currently has a broken PINDA sensor, but the Prusa store has been sold out for a while and I want to continue making face shields for the community, where would you recommend buying 3rd party PINDAS or parts?

Thank you

Posted : 18/01/2021 4:54 am
RE: Where do you guys order replacement parts from?

In the US, Prusa, Flilastruder, Amazon, Printed Solid, FilamentOne, and Matterhackers all sell soem parts.  For the LCD, I would order it from AliExpress or Prusa.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 18/01/2021 12:40 pm