Where do I connect filament jam sensor on MK3S+?
Hi, I'm not very knowledgeable about the controller board on the MK3S+. I am building a Filament Jam (Snag) Sensor as per
but it is not printer-specific so he doesn't say where to plug it in. I mean, I would like to know exactly what connection to plug this thing into on the MK3S+ controller board. Can anyone help me? Any and all info would be of help.
(Yes, I know the MK3S+ has a filament run-out sensor. This device pauses the print if the filament stops moving, as in a line-over.)
Best Answer by dyeater:
Hi, I'm not very knowledgeable about the controller board on the MK3S+. I am building a Filament Jam (Snag) Sensor as per
but it is not printer-specific so he doesn't say where to plug it in. I mean, I would like to know exactly what connection to plug this thing into on the MK3S+ controller board. Can anyone help me? Any and all info would be of help.
(Yes, I know the MK3S+ has a filament run-out sensor. This device pauses the print if the filament stops moving, as in a line-over.)