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When Running Prusa Mk3 on A UPS  

New Member
When Running Prusa Mk3 on A UPS

Hello , in my Country the electricty go down every day like 4 hrs So i installed an APC 650VA- 325W Because whenever there is a Power off the ups take control However Prusa mk3 always pause print even on the APC , is there any solution to this problem in any of this new firmwares or not yet?

Opublikowany : 12/02/2019 8:06 pm
Noble Member
Re: When Running Prusa Mk3 on A UPS

Does the print just pause, or rehome and continuous?

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Opublikowany : 12/02/2019 8:08 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: When Running Prusa Mk3 on A UPS

It Pauses , but the problem is i'm not always nearby to recover it

Opublikowany : 12/02/2019 8:36 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: When Running Prusa Mk3 on A UPS

when there is a power cutoff the printer reset the nozzle go to home position , and then a message pop on the screen "do you want to recover " plus it s plugged to an UPS

Opublikowany : 12/02/2019 8:40 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: When Running Prusa Mk3 on A UPS

Rami that is working as intended for consumer level battery backup like your APC... to have continuous service you need to have the sort that has very very short switch over time (on 50 hertz service under 1/100 of a sec... to have the printer ignore interruptions in your power you need the sort of split system back up that keeps a bank of batteries charged with a charger that won't through voltage spikes into the batteries when the power comes back on, and then a high quality inverter connected only to the batteries providing power to the printer as long as you have enough batteries to cover any interruption in line power you should be good

Opublikowany : 12/02/2019 8:49 pm
Noble Member
Re: When Running Prusa Mk3 on A UPS

Rami that is working as intended for consumer level battery backup like your APC... to have continuous service you need to have the sort that has very very short switch over time (on 50 hertz service under 1/100 of a sec... to have the printer ignore interruptions in your power you need the sort of split system back up that keeps a bank of batteries charged with a charger that won't through voltage spikes into the batteries when the power comes back on, and then a high quality inverter connected only to the batteries providing power to the printer as long as you have enough batteries to cover any interruption in line power you should be good

Looks to me like the power panic is triggering by frequency, not time
If it detects <10Hz in a ~5ms time frame, it triggers. But I have to admit I don't really fully understand this schematic. Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

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Opublikowany : 12/02/2019 11:42 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: When Running Prusa Mk3 on A UPS

Rami that is working as intended for consumer level battery backup like your APC... to have continuous service you need to have the sort that has very very short switch over time (on 50 hertz service under 1/100 of a sec... to have the printer ignore interruptions in your power you need the sort of split system back up that keeps a bank of batteries charged with a charger that won't through voltage spikes into the batteries when the power comes back on, and then a high quality inverter connected only to the batteries providing power to the printer as long as you have enough batteries to cover any interruption in line power you should be good

Looks to me like the power panic is triggering by frequency, not time
If it detects <10Hz in a ~5ms time frame, it triggers. But I have to admit I don't really fully understand this schematic. Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

I was extrapolating from experience with other electronic systems so you may well be right.... but that sore of frequency monitoring drove me nuts in the 1970s trying to help a fellow islander who had bought a 5 station Wang word-processing and computer system that derived its internal clock from the 60 cps (Hz) line frequency the power on the island came from WW2 surplus diesel generators (2,600 HP engines from the aux engine room of a scrapped 1940s vintage aircraft carrier the rumors said but the could have been from any large ship or ships I guess) they adjusted the frequency of the islands power grid once a day by comparing an electric clock to a radio time signal. I saw the frequency vary during the day between 55Hz and 67Hz with occasional excursions beyond those numbers this remained the situation until the mid nineties when an undersea cable tied the island to the national grid... Starting with the Apple][ in 1978 personal computers were happy with the units like those from APC as they used a crystal in their circuits for timing not the line frequency and the basic APC switching was fine for them.

But that Wang system we could only make work with the battery charger system I outlined above it had 30 large deep cycle lead acid batteries that could provide power fror several days so I know they can work but it wont be cheap like an APC unit.

Opublikowany : 13/02/2019 6:31 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: When Running Prusa Mk3 on A UPS

Thank You Guys for your Help today i bought an online UPS FOR 250 $ and it works

Opublikowany : 13/02/2019 11:46 am