What is the best way to clean those two threaded rod for Z-axis motors?
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What is the best way to clean those two threaded rod for Z-axis motors?  

Prominent Member
What is the best way to clean those two threaded rod for Z-axis motors?

Hi, my i3MK3S is about 2.5 years old. I upgraded it to 3S+ last year. For normal rods, we use the lubricant which came with the printer to clean. What is the best way to clean the long screwed rod came connected to Z-axis motor (mentioned in Step.3) ? In the past one Prusa Support agent said there is no need to clean it but it does not look shinny silver in some parts anymore. I suspect that might cause some horizontal lines on vertical walls of my prints.

Prusa Knowledge Base | 4. Z-axis assembly (prusa3d.com)

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 3 years par prusanewuser
Publié : 13/01/2022 6:42 pm
Chicago Keri
Estimable Member
RE: What is the best way to clean those two threaded rod for Z-axis motors?

If the Z axis lead screws have never had lubricant applied to them, they should just brush off with a small brush, like maybe a toothbrush.

If they have had oil or grease applied, I would used a small brush and isopropyl alcohol and replace the POM nuts that they thread into. Personally, I would remove the motor / lead screw assembly and hold it with the motor up, to avoid alcohol dripping into the motor. 

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Publié : 14/01/2022 3:42 am
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