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Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s  

Active Member
Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

I got my mk3s on Saturday and I'm really happy so far. Something that has been concerning me for the last couple of days is this weird "clicking" noise that one of the axis does. I don't know which one of them it is but it doesn't seem to affect printing quality. This is a video a video, where one should be able to hear it:

The printhead doesn't seem to hit anything and the prints are still beautiful. I am just worried that there might be some issues with the bearings.

Thanks for taking your time to help me 🙂

Best Answer by --:


If the noise if coming from the front of the printer - and it is an obvious sound you can't miss - the plastic case of the control box often is too close to the LCD and they rattle like crazy. Some have had to go in and add foam spacers. 

But that pattern on the print, in my estimation, has nothing to do with any noise. Bearings are probably still sticking or the bed it dirty, or Live-Z is off, or extrusion multiplier is off.

From the video upload - the extruder X is sticking. That is bad. Loosen the screws on the back of the housing closest to the bearings. It is a known fact having these too tight will crimp the X bearings and cause snags similar to having the U-bolts too tight on the Y bearings.

Respondido : 21/10/2020 6:21 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s
Posted by: @zahnatomletsplay

I got my mk3s on Saturday and I'm really happy so far. Something that has been concerning me for the last couple of days is this weird "clicking" noise that one of the axis does. I don't know which one of them it is but it doesn't seem to affect printing quality. This is a video a video, where one should be able to hear it:

The printhead doesn't seem to hit anything and the prints are still beautiful. I am just worried that there might be some issues with the bearings.


Thanks for taking your time to help me 🙂

Hello and welcome to the Prusaforum!

Did you lubricate the linear bearings? Are all screws well tightened and does nothing like a cable tie touch anywhere?
Maybe you move the axles one by one, also the extruder via Pronterface to filter the whole thing out a bit.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 21/10/2020 6:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

I will say that doesnt sound normal.  I have no idea where its coming from though as it doesnt really sound like any of the normal axis noises.

It almost sounds like the printer is rocking.  Only thing I can suggest which you have probably already done is to check everything to make sure its not loose and tight where it should be.

Respondido : 21/10/2020 6:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

Check for set screws on the two belt drive pulleys are fully recessed, and that the belts are riding in the centers of those gears and their idler pulleys (not trying to hop off). And verify the Y belt is not hitting anything. 

A common error is when assembling the X &Y motors, the gears get put on and tightened wrong. They need to be tightened flat first, start with both set screws loose, the gear free to spin: then tighten the set screw on the flat, then tighten the locking set screw. If not done this way, the gears will work loose.

But listening to the noise, it seems to be related to Z - so I'd also check that both Z motors are firmly tightened, and that the dust caps are not in contact with the motors, and that the lead screws are in their appropriate recesses in the top brackets. Also, wouldn't hurt to verify the T-nuts are properly tightened down.

Respondido : 21/10/2020 7:24 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

Thanks for the quick answers!

I'll do the stuff that you advised me and will update as soon as possible.

Thanks again.

Respondido : 22/10/2020 10:07 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

Small update: The noise is coming from the x-axis, because I could feel it kind of "bumping" over something. I tried lubricating the axis(not sure if I did it wrong but I put some of the included lubricant on the smooth rods and made the extruder go over it a couple of times) but it didn't seem to fix the problem. The z-axis assembly is properly built and tightened.

Respondido : 22/10/2020 10:56 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

I've heard of the idler bearing on the X failing ... but only once in a couple of years.  Bearing installation can be tricky - some folk have damaged bearings inserting the rods; others over tighten the extruder housing near the bearings and crush them so they bind. Same with the U-bolts on the Y axis: too tight is bad. 

One main thing is grease needs to be inside the bearings where the rollers are. The bearings have grease seals that keep the grease in, as well as keep any grease out. It must be inside before you install the bearings onto the rods. Otherwise, a drop of oil on the rod has a better chance of getting to the rollers.


Respondido : 22/10/2020 12:52 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

Another update:

I've just finished reinstalling the whole extruder to the x-axis. It seemed smooth when moved by hand but, while quieter, the printer still makes the same noise. I also found some weird artifacts on the bottom of my prints that may be related to this clicking.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years por zahnatomletsplay
Respondido : 22/10/2020 1:06 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

these artefacts on the first layer suggest that your Live Z is too low. (Close, but a little low) try reducing the negative live Z value a little when you next do the adjustments... 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 22/10/2020 1:27 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

Gravity should be able to move the axis - while off, tilt the printer to a side and the extruder should slide to the other side. Same with the Y axis, tilt back and the bed should slide back. If gravity isn't enough to move the axis, things are too tight.

Respondido : 22/10/2020 2:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s


I first tried tilting the printer back and the bed moved flawlessly to the back but when I tried the same with the extruder this happened:



I'll try that once this issue with the axis resolves. It's kind of a pain though. If I raise it, it doesn't stick well to the PC PEI sheet. If I lower it, I get different artefacts.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years 2 veces por zahnatomletsplay
Respondido : 22/10/2020 2:34 pm
Thomas Lynch
Estimable Member
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

I have the same problem. It started just a short while ago. After I built my MK3S kit everything worked so well. Have never had a bad print. I got it on 6/29/2020. But the clicking noise bothers me and I can't seem to find out where it is coming from. The prints are still coming out perfect every time. Any clues as  where find the problem would be helpful. Still a great machine.

Respondido : 22/10/2020 4:24 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

One of the bearings is broken(2 of the balls fell out) and I'm getting a replacement on monday. I hope this resolves the issue. If not then I'll have to do some more digging.


I appreciate all the help 🙂

Respondido : 22/10/2020 5:06 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

 Two balls shouldn't make a massive problem, whilst you await replacements,

As a Simple person,  I would 

wipe across both rails of the X axis, with a clean tissue, and then smear a little of the prusa grease on the rods, sliding the extruder side to side, a couple of times, then smear a little more grease on, and repeat...    just in case there is a little friction, on the rods... 

I would take the build plate to the sink and give it a really good cleaning, with dish soap and hot water,   rinse well with hot water, and dry immediately, to ensure the moisture is removed, then only handling the build plate by the edges, I would restore it to the printer and try the 
"Life adjust Z, My Way" process using one of the test patches in the zipfile at the bottom of the first post. 

and see if there was any improvement before adjusting anything. 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 22/10/2020 8:01 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s


well, let's hope that it was the linear bearing that caused the noise. If you are not sitting directly in front of the printer, the noise is difficult to identify.
good luck!

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 22/10/2020 8:35 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s


Tension on the Bondtech Idler Gear can cause the filament to twist and result in a clicking noise once in a while. Loosen the tension a bit and see if the click gets more or less frequent. You'll also see the filament tend to jump off the side of the spool when this is happening.  I think the root cause is the filament path isn't precisely centered through the gears.

If clicking gets louder after releasing some tension, increase the tension a bit. If the clicking goes away with higher pressure - monitor it for a while. If it comes back, your nozzle is probably picking up burnt offerings during printing and a cold pull is a good idea.  Be sure to read up on cold pulls and review examples of what a good pull on the MK3 looks like (it's unlike other printers you'll see photos of).

Respondido : 23/10/2020 12:18 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

Update: I received 5 replacement bearings today. Turns out the other top bearing had also lost some balls(for some reason???). After replacing both of the broken ones, the sound is still audible and affecting print quality.

The object on the left in the picture is before I installed the new bearings and the one on the right with the new bearings.


:/ I could try to replace the bottom bearing aswell but it seemed to run really well.

Respondido : 30/10/2020 5:16 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s


If the noise if coming from the front of the printer - and it is an obvious sound you can't miss - the plastic case of the control box often is too close to the LCD and they rattle like crazy. Some have had to go in and add foam spacers. 

But that pattern on the print, in my estimation, has nothing to do with any noise. Bearings are probably still sticking or the bed it dirty, or Live-Z is off, or extrusion multiplier is off.

From the video upload - the extruder X is sticking. That is bad. Loosen the screws on the back of the housing closest to the bearings. It is a known fact having these too tight will crimp the X bearings and cause snags similar to having the U-bolts too tight on the Y bearings.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years por --
Respondido : 30/10/2020 7:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

Another Update:

I did some G-Code magic and made the printer run that infill pattern without extruding and it didnt make such a clicking sound again... This indicates that there is something wrong with the extruder and not the x-axis(I feel like an idiot :D).


Respondido : 31/10/2020 10:23 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird noise from one of the axis of mk3s

Update: With the help of a guy on discord I managed to recalibrate the Z-height. Now those artefacts are gone. The clicking is still there but as long as it doesn't affect the printing quality it's fine I guess.

Thank's for all the help, really appreciate it 🙂

Respondido : 01/11/2020 8:06 pm