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Weird message before every prints  

New Member
Weird message before every prints

Hi !

I'm having a problem recently (well... not sure if this is a problem really...). For the last week, before every print, the printer beep and I have this message on the screen (see image). I just need to press a button then the print start normally. Do anyone know what this message is ?

Thanks !

Posted : 24/08/2019 11:51 am
Noble Member
RE: Weird message before every prints

Means Contact Support.

Chat with them in the EShop. If you have a developing display problem, fix it before it gets worse.

Posted : 24/08/2019 3:42 pm
bobstro liked
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird message before every prints

My guess is you have scramble EEPROM data and need to do a full factory reset with data clear, then work through the calibration wizard process again.


Posted : 24/08/2019 7:38 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird message before every prints

rmm200 : I did that and wait for their responce

tim-m30 : I tried the factory reset, le problem remains

I'm adding some new info : I tried to print an old gcode file (the default ones on the SD card) and the message do not appear. I'm starting to think the message is a firmware upgrade request saved on the gcode by Prusa Slicer but the message do not display properly...

I will try to check tonight if a firmware update is available.

Posted : 26/08/2019 9:16 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird message before every prints

There are several levels of Factory Reset:  you need the one with the full data clear.  I'm only making the suggestion because I had the same corrupt display and a reset with data clear fixed it.

7.2.6 Factory reset

The factory reset is used when troubleshooting the printer and resetting it to the factory state.
Entering the factory reset menu:
1. Press and release the reset button (marked X and positioned under the control knob on the LCD panel)
2. Press and hold the control knob until you hear a beep
3. Release the control knob

Language option resets the language preference.
Statistics will erase all the recorded print time and material from the memory.
Shipping prep which resets only the printer language selection. All the calibration data including the Live adjust Z remain intact. Even though the calibration data are still present and functional, the printer will prompt the user once to run the Calibrate Z function. This “light” factory reset is mainly used for resetting of assembled printers before shipping out of the factory so that users can select their language and run
Calibrate Z after unpacking.
All data which resets everything including all calibration data and the whole EEPROM is cleaned. After this reset, the user is expected to go through the calibration flow again, except setting the probe height.

If you experience random glitches after a firmware update, or after a printer upgrade, use the All data option.

This post was modified 6 years ago 3 times by --
Posted : 26/08/2019 9:50 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird message before every prints

tim-m30 : Yes I've done the all data fatory reset but the glitch is still here. But thanks for the suggestion anyway :).

Posted : 26/08/2019 10:57 am
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Weird message before every prints

are you flashing the pre-compiled firmware from the prusa site or one that you compiled yourself?

Posted : 26/08/2019 12:26 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Weird message before every prints

That is interesting that older gcode doesn't exhibit the problem but newly generated gcode does.  If as you suggested that it was an issue with a firmware update request we could expect it it would also occur with the older gcode as well.  David-a66 does make a point about the firmware.  To eliminate the possibility that it was firmware related I would flash it with the latest firmware.  At a minimum that would eliminate the update firmware portion of the equation.  Although tim-m suggested a total reset which didn't work, there could be still some issues in firmware that a firmware load might cure.

Do you have the .stl files for the models that didn't exhibit the problem?  If so I would slice one and "diff" the two to see if there is something being added by the slicer in error.  If you don't have the diff utility open both up in text editors, if it is slicer related you should see it quickly at the head of the file.

That should start to pin point where the problem is originating.  Good luck.


Posted : 27/08/2019 10:40 pm