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Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?  

Estimable Member
Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?

Is there a way to have PrusaSlicer generate thumbnails like the mini does?

Publié : 25/04/2020 2:10 pm
New Member
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?

This may not get you quite what you are looking for but it is kinda great.

Bring your stl(s) into PrusaSlicer and get it all set up the way you like.

Then go to File / Save Project and save it as a .3mf

Then you will have some pretty decent thumbnails for reference and it'll have all your slicer settings dialed it next time you open it in PrusaSlicer

Hope that helps!

Publié : 25/04/2020 10:18 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?

If you mean include thumbnails in the generated gCode, yes you can edit the printer profile to include thumbnails.
Make a copy of the the printer profile, and go to menu>help>Show configuration folder.
Locate the printers subfolder and edit the .ini file of your printer.
Around the bottom (line 69), there is a line that says "thumbnails =" change it to "thumbnails = 16x16,220x124"

works great in octoprint with the OctoPrint-PrusaSlicerThumbnails plugin


Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par Holck
Publié : 25/04/2020 11:10 pm
alpo16000, Dave, made_for_making et 4 personnes ont aimé
Eminent Member
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?

Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par Holck
Publié : 25/04/2020 11:20 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?


Awesome! Thank you! 

Publié : 26/04/2020 12:10 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?


Unfortunately, when I create a copy of the profile and add the thumbnail line to it, Prusaslicer crashes when I try to load the new printer profile. I'm using PS 2.1.1 64bit and edited the ini file with notepad++. I've uploaded the resulting ini file in case anyone wants to take a look and provide any suggestions.


Attachment removed
Publié : 26/04/2020 2:31 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?

Hi Steven.
I just loaded your .ini in my WIN10 PS 2.2 and it works perfectly fine for me, you might have to update to PS 2.2...
I sliced a test and the thumbnail is indeed included in the exported gcode when using your printer profile:

; generated by PrusaSlicer 2.2.0+win64 on 2020-04-26 at 17:23:46 UTC

; thumbnail begin 16x16 320
; wgKgvaewULUQtB0MJG7+bFRl8xMjujbDZs8UgyzPtIHhkXQihjjFuskPd+Ar1OBUlxXfc7HGRBG7V0
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; rkJggg==
; thumbnail end

; thumbnail begin 220x124 3228
; dxi4iI2iL3voIiIorzPADP5ouFTneHLkINZ9jD2uesi32TpM5ZWbX+pFKpU3vYbDbXD+vGjRsn+5p6
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; BKrZ681pwrd5xBY1BPI6Xm1Tis8YZMC75aryLmo3T7oXTwlAk0QmthiqRmVMg04PP2WkKzdq6Tgcs1
; yNvIEoMkPyAiQSYJnofXGhmpfd1cZQOXYhaSkam6CJoueBpee+ajVHcRcEsiEI1cM1VCdySIrMDT8t
; o6I5Kaq4Abi7t58+bn6EYe6t5pHusuGScSNJ7gRcyHhm4CVwFcJFA8oWslH+7AtXBIeWhoiu5IcHiC
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; NXsLOGn2Bq4nr5F0h+yeg2jm3E7P0awFXI3XEX1G1g3dH24fgKhr7SIEgF7bFnxDxsNPXXS9UTXTa5
; thumbnail end

Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years 2 fois par Holck
Publié : 26/04/2020 5:25 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?


Thanks. Updating to the latest PrusaSlicer fixed the crashing.

Publié : 27/04/2020 2:03 am
Eminent Member
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?

Be aware of this issue if you sometimes print your gcode from SD card.


Publié : 27/04/2020 6:21 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?


Got it. Thanks again!

Publié : 27/04/2020 12:28 pm
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?
Posted by: @anders-3

If you mean include thumbnails in the generated gCode, yes you can edit the printer profile to include thumbnails.
Make a copy of the the printer profile, and go to menu>help>Show configuration folder.
Locate the printers subfolder and edit the .ini file of your printer.
Around the bottom (line 69), there is a line that says "thumbnails =" change it to "thumbnails = 16x16,220x124"

works great in octoprint with the OctoPrint-PrusaSlicerThumbnails plugin


When the printer's subfolder is empty, you can change a printer's setting and save it this initialize the file.

Publié : 11/01/2021 3:38 pm
New Member
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?

For folks who are coming across this later, there is now a setting in the GUI (as of 2.3.0).

Publié : 11/02/2021 1:33 am
Schnoidz, SamR et ont aimé
Trusted Member
RE: Way to Enable PrusaSlicer Thumbnails for MK3S?


This worked for me, thanks!  I've loved this plugin on my Mini.  I just got the MK3S and had to search for why it didn't work on it.  Now it does  😊 

Publié : 23/04/2021 3:35 am
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