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Various Errors  

Active Member
Various Errors

My MK3 has recently been having problems. The first issue was a squeaking sound caused apparently by the nut on the Bowden gear interacting with the extruder housing. After fixing this (I thought) I had issues with the Bowden gear migrating down the motor shaft, which I am still having issues with. Now, I am having electronic issues upon restart and selftest. After doing a soft restart with the 'X' button, the LCD flickers, and on entering the restart menu, the beep "flickers". (It is important to note that this does not happen after entering to the info screen, only while booting.) Secondly, upon reaching the info screen, the printer displays that a crash was detected and autohomes (this happens even after a hard reset of all data). Finally, upon running a selftest, the printer displays that the front print fan has a wiring error, but I've checked the wiring and it appears to be plugged in correctly. I am at my wit's end. Any ideas on what is going wrong?

Posted : 18/02/2019 2:25 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Various Errors

Update- It appears that I shorted the front print fan. The extrusion errors seem to have been caused by a grub nut that was not tight enough

Posted : 18/02/2019 8:40 pm