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USB Printing - Counting stalls during a print  

New Member
USB Printing - Counting stalls during a print

I'm curious about the 115200 baud limit on the USB/Serial interface of the Atmega 2560. Doing a very rough estimate the 115200 baud should be sufficient for 1000+ gcode commands/s. However, I assume that this value cannot be reached in practice.


Digging through the code I found:


// minimum time in microseconds that a movement needs to take if the buffer is emptied.

Digging further I found the define PLANNER_DIAGNOSTICS that should enable printouts on the LCD Screen. I was hoping the printer would also send such diagnostic info on the serial line but didn't found any code to back this up. Does anyone know if it is safe to enable this debug feature and how the expected output on the screen should be?

Napsal : 02/07/2020 3:16 pm