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USB connection not working after initial connect one time
I recently got my Octopi setup on my MK3S. I bought a short (6" USB cable) to use and was not able to connect to the printer. I then tried the USB cable that came with the printer and that did work. I went back to try the short cable again just to verify and since connection that Prusa USB cable, I am no longer able to connect to the printer. When I initiate a connection, the printer restarts and the connection times out.
I have not update to the latest firmware and I bought my printer in July so it is the second to latest firmware (3.9.0-3421).
Opublikowany : 27/09/2020 10:07 pm
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RE: USB connection not working after initial connect one time
It appears to have been my usb cable. I had to try several.
Opublikowany : 28/09/2020 2:56 pm
RE: USB connection not working after initial connect one time
I have had several cable fail to work. Easy fix! Glad to hear you fixed it.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Opublikowany : 28/09/2020 4:38 pm