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Underextrusion First layer after few minutes  

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Underextrusion First layer after few minutes


I made several cold pulls, checked the filament, made the first layer calibration again, checked the bond tech, tested the tightening of the bond tech in different strenghts.
I did what ever forum could tell me to do in order to get rid of this problem.

When i start my print everything is perfect. The lines are layed down as usual in clean tidy rows. When im into the quarter of the first layer i got serious under extrusion till no filament is pushed out the nozzle. i check the nozzle again, make a cold pull, load the filament new and everything works perfect again. there is no clog, but when you pull out the filament you see a little dent where the bond tech ist. so it seems the filament is not properly pushed down or there is a clog. but i cant find any! I also always use a small sponge in order to prevent dust getting into the bond tech.
My suspicion is moisture in the filament, but i never had this issue with this PLA im using.
has anyone any idea what this could be or what other things i can try?

Thank you so much

Questa discussione è stata modificata 5 years fa da IDEA
Postato : 15/06/2020 6:55 pm