Two disappointing failures on full build volume project
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Two disappointing failures on full build volume project  

Eminent Member
Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

I'm building essentially a box (it's a pantry storage bin) at max build volume. Due to the supports it takes about 1.5 Kg of filament to print. I'm using the latest firmware ( on my new i3 MK3. I bought the unit assembled from Prusa.

1st Failure:

The wire bundle interfered with the model at about 75% height of the build volume and created a mess. I had to zip tie the wire bundle to the left vertical support to keep it up and out of the way while the extruder moved forward/aft.

2nd Failure - Unacceptable!

I ran out of filament over night in the 75 hour build. Isn't the i3 MK3 supposed to have a filament sensor and stop the build so you can insert a new spool of filament? I woke up this morning expecting to just insert a new spool ready and waiting but instead I see the printer still making its motions with no filament at all.

Not happy to now have essentially wasted 2 Kg spools of PLA all due to Prusa issues.

Neal C
Richmond, VA

Opublikowany : 29/12/2018 2:59 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

I reviewed the settings and it looks like the filament detection setting was OFF. I turned it ON. Not sure why it delivered with it set to OFF. If you are expecting it to be ON I suggest check your settings.

Neal C
Richmond, VA

Opublikowany : 29/12/2018 6:20 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

I suggest check your settings.

Would you buy a Ferrari and then take it straight off the showroom floor onto the track without at the very least checking your tire pressures and fluid levels?

Those failures are unfortunate, but even on million-dollar statrasys printers I guarantee you they check their settings and basic mechanical functionality when it comes out of the shipping crate.

Opublikowany : 29/12/2018 9:57 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

Before printing a big project, it is always to run a test print on a small object and test all the features you need, like filament detection etc.

Opublikowany : 30/12/2018 7:58 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

The issue was the common one with the i3 MK3 print fan when printing a large object. The print fan wire is not strong and when the extruder goes the limits of the bed it bends and breaks the wire internally. I removed the protective wrap and I could feel the print fan flexing too easy at one point. I cut the wire and removed that short section and spliced them together again and now it works.

Thanks for this youtuber that had a great video and has a nice part you can print on thingiverse to help prevent this which I'll be installing.

I have spare fans on the way but the difficulty with communicating with Prusa has been troubling. I never see live chat online and my emails go days in getting answered, if even getting an answer. They need to separate the INFO emails to a support channel for current customers needing assistance.

Neal C
Richmond, VA

Opublikowany : 30/12/2018 8:44 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

Hi Neal

The Support Chat is always online and is the fastest way of interacting with PR. It is always in the bottom right corner of the shop at If you are not seeing it then something at your end is blocking it. Do you run Pi Hole by any chance or any other ad blocker or firewall?

Opublikowany : 30/12/2018 10:14 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

Before printing a big project, it is always to run a test print on a small object and test all the features you need, like filament detection etc.

Great in theory but doesn't always work in practice. Sometimes the size of the print determines whether a problem will show up, or not, eg problems with infill.

Opublikowany : 31/12/2018 4:08 am
Reputable Member
Re: Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

The issue was the common one with the i3 MK3 print fan when printing a large object. The print fan wire is not strong and when the extruder goes the limits of the bed it bends and breaks the wire internally. I removed the protective wrap and I could feel the print fan flexing too easy at one point. I cut the wire and removed that short section and spliced them together again and now it works.

Thanks for this youtuber that had a great video and has a nice part you can print on thingiverse to help prevent this which I'll be installing.

I have spare fans on the way but the difficulty with communicating with Prusa has been troubling. I never see live chat online and my emails go days in getting answered, if even getting an answer. They need to separate the INFO emails to a support channel for current customers needing assistance.

the chat windows shows when you are in the store. whatever email address they use 30,000 people will hammer it with emails like children demanding a toy. so if they used support@ instead of Info@ it would still get killed and especially after christmas. How many new owners do you suppose there were after the 25th that need hand holding? give them some time and you'll probably be okay with them

ps i have been printing full plates for a couple weeks now. not full z but full plate of coat hooks for cubicles. I wish the fan and the rest of the wiring harness were on a cable chain far more than a spiral wrap.

Opublikowany : 02/01/2019 7:40 am
Estimable Member
Re: Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

I wish the fan and the rest of the wiring harness were on a cable chain far more than a spiral wrap.

It is no longer spiral wrap. Changed to fabric flex wrap

Opublikowany : 02/01/2019 12:09 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Two disappointing failures on full build volume project

I wish the fan and the rest of the wiring harness were on a cable chain far more than a spiral wrap.

It is no longer spiral wrap. Changed to fabric flex wrap

yes, and i've tried spiral wrap also, still had a pinched wire with that also.

Opublikowany : 04/01/2019 12:01 am