Turn off heated bed and thermistor
I am having problems with the bed thermistor. I have a new thermistor on order, but would like to use the printer in the mean time. I don't need a heated bed for PLA. I tried setting the filament temperature to 0 but still had a shutdown due to mintemp. Is it possable to turn off the mintemp bed and bed heater.
RE: Turn off heated bed and thermistor
Same problem! Any solutions?
RE: Turn off heated bed and thermistor
I am having problems with the bed thermistor. I have a new thermistor on order, but would like to use the printer in the mean time. I don't need a heated bed for PLA. I tried setting the filament temperature to 0 but still had a shutdown due to mintemp. Is it possable to turn off the mintemp bed and bed heater.
You could temporarily bridge the thermistor with a 100k resistor. The firmware requires the current value of the resistance of the thermistor to determine the temperature from a table. Because the thermistors (nozzle and bed) tend to break, I would always have one or two spareparts ready. Adapting the firmware requires a good knowledge of the system.
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