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RE: Trying to find a generic ilder pulley
Sometimes I wish there was like a service center I could just turn my printer into for a tune-up/refurbishment ><
Napsal : 11/12/2020 2:58 am
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RE: Trying to find a generic ilder pulley
So I swapped in an SD card that another Prusa (#2) was able to successfully print off of, and put Prusa #1's card in #2. #2 was able to print just fine, #1 reproduced the same error, so I'm reasonably sure the issue isn't the file or the SD card.
What mechanical problem, most likely resultant from me jacking something up while trying to replace the x-axis-idler, would lead to such an error?
Napsal : 11/12/2020 12:47 pm
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RE: Trying to find a generic ilder pulley
Help my @joantabb, you’re my only hope!
Also Prusa just announced my order of replacement bearings, idlers, brackets, and belts are on the way.
Napsal : 16/12/2020 7:08 pm
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