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Transition to vase mode or thin wall  

Trusted Member
Transition to vase mode or thin wall

I am trying to print a part that has a solid base with a thin walled hollow tip.
It looks fine in freecad but once I slice it (latest beta slic3r PE) the tip disappears. When I thicken the walls it will slice but does not print properly.
Is it possible to get slic3r to change to vase mode when it starts printing the tip? Or perhaps some other trick to get this thing printed?
Any guidance would be appreciated,

Publié : 19/01/2019 3:24 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Transition to vase mode or thin wall

Hi Jon, can we have the STL to Play with?

by the look of your model the tube has walls that are thicker than one perimeter.

I am surprised that they are disappearing.

regards Joan

you need to zip an stl file, before you can post it on here as an attachment

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 19/01/2019 3:44 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Transition to vase mode or thin wall

I have been playing with the wall thickness trying to get something usable but without any joy.
Is there a command to get the layer to switch to vase mode or single perimeter or should it detect it and do it automatically?
I am using a .2mm nozzle.
Rev2 in the attachment the tip disappears, in Rev3 it prints it but leaves a gap and does not print properly.

Thanks for the assist Joan!

Publié : 19/01/2019 4:31 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Transition to vase mode or thin wall

Hi Jon,

the tall section of tube has very thin walls... I have sliced this for you in Slic3r.

I include a 3mf file with all of the settings in it.

as far as I recall these are standard PLA settings with the exception of perimeter extrusion width set to 0.4mm (usually 0.45mm) and
Seam position set to random

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 19/01/2019 5:04 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Transition to vase mode or thin wall

Different slicers or slicer options can sometimes produce unpredictable results.

I was building weight shells for a clock. The desire was to have a strong wall with the largest possible interior volume. PrusaControl gave great results with 0.050" thick walls. Slic3r produced a very rough surface, so I did an experiment with a vase shape with 0.060" thick walls at the base and 0.040" at the top. Less than 0.050" would print with 3 smooth lines. More than 0.055" looked like the slicer was squeezing in 4 lines. Wall thicknesses between 0.051" and 0.053" would be sliced into lots of tiny segments instead of a continuous line. The result is the rough band in the image below.

If you look closely at Joan's image, there appears to be several small breaks in the top layer. Try changing the wall thickness slightly to see if there is a thickness that results in continuous lines.


Publié : 19/01/2019 6:34 pm
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