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Ticking noise at low speeds  

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Bill Marcy
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds


Sorry for giving you a longish article to read, but it covers it really well.

Your belt status and you.

Respondido : 06/12/2020 6:11 pm
dimprov me gusta
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds

Thanks for the tip. I have read the article.

I will do a self test tomorrow and try to get the Y-axis between 255 - 270. The Y-axis seems to be minimally too loose...  X-axis seems to be OK.

The main point is the prints look good.

By the way! The ticking sound is back.....  I wish I could locate it. I tried with a small hose (stethoscope...) it did not work.

Doing it according to the old mechanics trick with a screwdriver on your ear and the tip resting on different parts is difficult when everything is movingound  Will search for my longest screwdriver. I will let you know the result soon.


Respondido : 06/12/2020 6:30 pm
Noble Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds


Just a WAG, but maybe check the alignment on your extruder gears to make sure they're both lining up with respect to each other and with the filament.  Also, a little carefully placed white lithium grease on their sides in case one or the other is catching on the printed plastic, and a dab on the roller pin.  Not sure how it is on the MK3+, but on the MK3 it wasn't uncommon for the edge of the filament gears to grind plastic, and then the little shavings would, over time, scatter all over inside the extruder, causing mayhem.  Bits of black plastic against a black plastic background can be hard for the eye to see.

Respondido : 06/12/2020 7:48 pm
Noble Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds
Posted by: @dimprov


Just a WAG, but maybe check the alignment on your extruder gears to make sure they're both lining up with respect to each other and with the filament.  Also, a little carefully placed white lithium grease on their sides in case one or the other is catching on the printed plastic, and a dab on the roller pin.  Not sure how it is on the MK3+, but on the MK3 it wasn't uncommon for the edge of the filament gears to grind plastic, and then the little shavings would, over time, scatter all over inside the extruder, causing mayhem.  Bits of black plastic against a black plastic background can be hard for the eye to see.

Actually, just today my printhead was making a lot of noise, similar to but far more intense than your ticking sound.  A few drops of Krytox reduced the noise by 10x or more.  There's still audible noise though.  It all started when a 9 hour print jammed sometime during the night and the extruder kept grinding all night long until I came along the next day.  Not sure, but maybe it somehow wore down the bite of the extruder gears, or had some other adverse effect which is now causing the noise.

Respondido : 07/12/2020 2:37 am
Noble Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds

Postscript:  In my case, all it needed was a little *more* Krytox, and now it's silent.  It's a safer bet than white lithium grease, since it works to a higher temperature range.  It's also practically inert, so it shouldn't wreak havok on plastics.

Good luck!

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years por dimprov
Respondido : 07/12/2020 6:00 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds

Good morning,

First thanks to everyone who is trying to help. It is nice to realise that there is an active comunity.

I did some more testing. (I have not adjusted the belt tension yet)

Listening as good as possible (with a screwdriver as stethoscope) I can say the sound comes from the y-motion. Definitely not from the extruder or the x-motion. Also it is not coming from the bearings on the round rails (screwdriver on the rails itself). The sound is most noticeable on the y-frame. It sounds it is coming from the stepper itself. Unfortunately I cannot listen, at this moment, in the back directly on the Y-stepper motor)

I also did some printing in "stealth mode". The the ticking is less loud but still there.

Also when it prints an outline there is no ticking sound!

Anymore ideas? Is it a defect in the stepper motor, in one of the drivers, or is it not a problem at all and I am too critical?

At least I duo not see any problem in my prints.

Respondido : 07/12/2020 10:37 am
New Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds

Hello to everyone,

I'm having the exact same issue with my new Mk3s+.

The print quality is excellent, but it is emitting those weird knocking sounds during slow diagonal movements.

I can confirm that the y-axis motor is the source of the noise. (I feel the knocking when pressing my fingers against the motor)

My printer seems to be in general noisier than printers I have watched on YouTube:

The belt tension is in the range mentioned in the previously posted article..

Furthermore I noticed an unusually loud electric humming from the PCB, when the motor drivers are turned on.

Respondido : 07/12/2020 3:01 pm
Noble Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds

Stepper motors can make all kinds of funny noises, especially when they are splitting steps. when I listen to the video you posted it defiantly seemed as though the Y axis was to tight, you mention you had just finished the build so everything is new and adjustments are to be expected.

The steppers do have bearings in them that can go bad and arbors can bend from mistreatment however your machine it brand new without being in front of it it's hard to say. If it fails you can contact support, they are generally pretty helpful and worst case scenario a new stepper is only about $40 I'm not saying this to suggest that you will or should have to buy one, I'm saying it to put your mind as ease, you seem fairly savvy, I would monitor, keep on printing and see how it goes.

The Filament Whisperer

Respondido : 07/12/2020 3:31 pm
Noble Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds


I don't own an MK3S+, it, is as far as I know supposed to be the same as the MK3S with a few very minor updates (according to Prusa), that said I have never used the belt tension reading to adjust my belt's, I just know from experience what they should be, Mine are perfect, on all three of my machines, yours sound like they are way to tight, but I can only go by your videos, that you posted, I personally have no faith in the software readout, I go by what I know. from the sound of it you may want to try loosening the Y and see how it preforms, your call.

The Filament Whisperer

Respondido : 08/12/2020 12:48 am
Noble Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds

You could also try the phone app "easy tensioner" to get a measurement by plucking your belt.  I happened to have used it to adjust the tension on my treadmill's drive belt and it seems to work for that.  Not sure how well it might work for tensioning a printer belt, but maybe worth a shot.  It can measure the tension in either pounds or newtons.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years por dimprov
Respondido : 08/12/2020 1:46 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds


Good to hear that I am not the only one.

Yes the sound only occurs at diagonal motions (I have attached a new clip). not with a pure y-motion or x-moption (in my case an outline).

During faster motion, the sound is less audible but it is still there, faster ticking.


Attachment removed
Respondido : 08/12/2020 9:23 am
New Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds

Thank you for all the replies!

@swiss_cheese I've loosened the belt tension of both axis now. Seems like the noise level has decreased only slightly:

I could live with that much noise, especially after I've decoupled the printer from the wooden shelf, but the knocking sound still remains.

@dimprov That's an interesting suggestion. I will definitely look into that.

@henk-3 I'm sorry I can't play the audio.

Have you noticed any electric humming from the motor drivers?



Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years por max
Respondido : 08/12/2020 9:07 pm
New Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds

I also have an MK3S+ and dealing with clicking issues, mine sounds like the typical extruder skip click click. I've tried slowing down the pint speed, increasing temp, pulled the extruder apart and checked for alignment, clogs, or other filament bits. Nothing was out of order. I performed cold pulls, removed and checked the teflon tube, changed the nozzle. No smoking gun and no improvement. That said it prints beautiful! no underextrusion to indicate a partial clog.

Respondido : 09/12/2020 5:22 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds


Not been able to hear the sound, maybe it is because at the beginning of my clip the sound is pretty low. I can say the ticking sound is the same as in your clip.

I was in discussion with Prusa Support and  received the following answer:

"The belt tension is ok. You might try to lubricate the rods to see the sound is caused because some friction between rods and bearings. I don't think upgrading the firmware would make any difference, unless it's just a matter of resonance. Still worth trying.

Overall, it's not a big deal and shouldn't cause any defect on the prints."
IMO: My rods are lubricated OK. If not the noise should occur also at pure X- or Y-motion.
So I stop worrying about it, after all my prints are OK.


Respondido : 16/12/2020 12:03 pm
Active Member
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds

I am also having that same ticking issue: a loud ticking as the belt runs through the X-end-idler on the right side. It's a little nerve-wracking (hence me searching the forums for this issue!). I'm working with a Mk2.5S (upgraded from a Mk2 last spring) and the print quality is unaffected by the sounds. Although occasionally the printer head will drag a print off the bed and I can't help but wonder if whatever is making the ticking sound is a contributing factor. I did try a little lubricant on the bearing, but that didn't seem to do anything. Based on the conclusion of this thread, I'll drive on. But I wanted to note that this isn't just a Mk3 issue, and I reserve the right to say "I told you so!" later if this turns out to be an issue! 😉 

Here's my contribution to the documentation. (It's a video that for some reason the forum won't let me post.)

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years 2 veces por Kingpin
Respondido : 16/04/2021 4:37 pm
RE: Ticking noise at low speeds


I have the same noise from my new Mk3S+.

Was present from first build, only really noticeable on the first, slower layer, but recently I can hear it on the first few faster layers, it does disappear after a few layers, which is odd.

Same deal, I can feel it when I place my fingers on the Y-Axis, actually, I can feel it in the frame and on the table the printer sits on.

What I've tried so far;

1. Change Stepper on Y-Axis - No change

2. Change Stepper on X-Axis - No change

3. Both loosen and tighten Y-Axis belt (I also used the belt tensioner Belt tensioner Collection by Art86 | PrusaPrinters) - No change

4. Removed X and Y steppers to check movement on both Axis without resistance. Both move smoothly. No noise.

As with your issue, the prints themselves seem fine. Fantastic first layers, and the overall print quality is great.

I can also confirm no noise when moving just the X or Y alone via Pronterface at the first layer speeds.


I'm out of ideas to try as well; I was toying with the idea of maybe hooking it up to a SKR 1.4 board to see if it's Einsy related.

Respondido : 20/04/2021 7:42 am
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