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Thermal Runaway  

New Member
Thermal Runaway

I'm encountering Thermal Runaway after a few layers into a print. I just recently did some maintenance and cleanup around the hot end and this is the first time encountering this issue. 

So far I've tried adjusting the fan's power and positioning. Checked the fan shroud, ran the PID, and ensured ambient temperature is acceptable.

From the thermal runaway article, the only thing left to try is the wiring.

Does anyone know what the "connectors" are? I've opened up the shrink wrap sleeve and saw a single thin wire thats been soldered to the opposite wire that's connected to the einsy. Is this the section I should be cutting off and soldering to each other?

Sorry, I'm new to this and really don't want to mess this up.

Veröffentlicht : 18/10/2019 3:00 pm
New Member
RE: Thermal Runaway

hi bpark005, have you progressed on this? I'm getting the same problem. Check the post from soren-a2:

A good test to perform is to preheat the hotend, move it to limits on X-axis and then try to wiggle both the lump cable sleeve and the thermistor cable. On the thermistor cable the two weak points I see are the splicing covered by the heatshrink wrapper (just as it exits the thermistor) and the clip-on connector that goes into the Einsy board. Another thing to consider is to check where the cable is located. If the thermistor cable is below the heating power cables (red thick ones that go to hotend) there's a chance it is colliding with support plate which may damage it due to heat stress.

Veröffentlicht : 24/10/2019 11:49 pm
New Member
RE: Thermal Runaway

So I have fought this off and on for a year now, not having time to sit down and run it to ground it has dragged on. It started doing thermal runaway and under extrusion after a firmware update. After replacing the heater several times, thermistor, Rambo board I finally realized the issue! Default Prusa software slicer settings no longer are optimized for my i3 MK3! Slow it down and reduce the cooling fan speed to make the issues go away again. Hope this helps someone.

Veröffentlicht : 25/03/2020 1:19 am