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Thermal Module Calibration aborted by itself  

Prominent Member
Thermal Module Calibration aborted by itself

Hi, I installed the latest Firmware 3.12.2 on my i3MK3S+ with Revo 6 nozzle. The Thermal Module Calibration started and I read from the LCD that it would take over 10 minutes but after about 2 seconds, it aborted by itself. Tried three times already. What is wrong? Am I supposed to perform such calibration after installation of the firmware?

This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by prusanewuser
Posted : 27/04/2023 10:11 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Thermal Module Calibration aborted by itself

The Revo 6 has issues and does not work with firmware 3.12.2. This is known issue that Prusa is working on. Rollback (flash) the firmware for now to 3.11 and you will be fine

Posted : 27/04/2023 10:53 pm