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Thermal anomaly persists after repair  

Thermal anomaly persists after repair

I have been dealing with endless thermal anomalies for months - At first they seemed random but it became clear that the problem only happened when the print head traveled over to the right side of the printer. As the frequency increased, I eventually took a close look at the wiring and connections - I found an almost complete transection of the positive lead going to the printhead thermistor (it had been pinched in the hinge during assembly). I repaired the broken lead and the problem appeared to be resolved. Then it started doing the same thing again. I examined my repair and it looked fine but I re-soldered the repair anyway. The printer worked for many days without a single warning or anomaly. Today after a month long pause in printing I started a new print and the first time the printhead got all the way over the right of the plate I got a thermal anomaly warning. I re-examined the wiring and this time everything looked good. The repair looks fine, all resistances are in range. and there are no other issues. Something is pulling and causing a disconnection of the thermistor cable, but I cannot see where. I cannot measure continuity directly but the resistance is 105 Ohms, convincing me the thermistor is working and wires are intact (now). The bed connections are good and resistances all as expected. Printer is otherwise behaving normally.   My best guess is that one of the zip ties at the printhead was too tight and there is a second partially cut section of thermistor wire in there somewhere. I am tempted to replace the wiring while I wait on a thermistor as I'm sure I will end up replacing the thermistor, when I can find one, but I really need to be back in operation before that happens. And I really want this to be the last time I have to take this thing apart for a while. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks!

Postato : 31/05/2024 3:11 am