Tangled filament
Started a 9 hour PETG print today. Watching over OctoPrint, few hours in, saw printer was printing in mid-air. Discovered this. Black filament completely tangled arond the spool holder and pulled out of the extruder (filament sensor was turned off as I kept getting false alerts with this shiny filament).
Any idea other than "get a better spool holder"?
Re: Tangled filament
The filament seems to have been pulled off the side of the (full) spool. You could try using just one side of the spool holder and making sure the spool is centered over the print bed. You could also print a filament guide (or one for each side) and position it so the filament is pulled off the spool from the center. I've used https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2746490 .
Re: Tangled filament
Yup. Filament guide was printed this morning. Had no idea it was a thing until I started digging into this. 🙂
Re: Tangled filament
Filament guide is definitely the answer here. Always used them, never had this problem.