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Strange noise from extruder, motor or fan  

Active Member
Strange noise from extruder, motor or fan


recently I had issues with a filament that was loaded a bit twisted and caused a stop for crash detection (the filament twisted all around its support and in this way too much force was needed to pull it).

After this unsuccessful print I loaded another filament but some clicking sounds were present and in the middle of the print no more filament was going out. No load/unload of the filament was possible.

So I checked the online manual and I replaced the PTFE tube, I loaded again the filament and now I'm listening this sound:

What could it be in your opinion? I tried to align better the gear that pull the filament but the sound seems unchanged...

thank you for your help!

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 years von Barca95
Veröffentlicht : 08/03/2021 2:27 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Strange noise from extruder or motor

The regular maintenance doc has a section on adjusting and cleaning the extruder.

Worth a run through.

Prusa Knowledge Base | i3 Printers Regular Maintenance (

Tank you very much!

Veröffentlicht : 08/03/2021 2:32 pm
Barca95 gefällt das
Honorable Member
RE: Strange noise from extruder, motor or fan

Could also be a bit of crud in one of the fans, difficult to tell where the noise is coming from

Tank you very much!

Veröffentlicht : 08/03/2021 2:36 pm
Barca95 gefällt das
Illustrious Member
RE: Strange noise from extruder, motor or fan

The original twisted jam probaby caused filament scraping at the Bondtech gears, they may become full of debris; you did clean out the Bondtech teeth...?

Veröffentlicht : 08/03/2021 6:51 pm
Barca95 gefällt das
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Strange noise from extruder, motor or fan

This is my situation for the Bondtech teeth (I've just used a brush; after taking the photos I applied a bit of lubrificant to the teeth protruding outwards from the gear):

I thought it was the fan (I tried to stop it with a finger and seems that the sound stops but after seconds the Prusa stops from printing so I'm not sure)...I removed the fan and with blows I removed a tiny amount of very thin PETG wires...

this sound is still present.

I recently changed from PrusaSlicer to Cura but I don't think it's a setting like retraction to cause the issue, because I don't see reverse gear motion...

Veröffentlicht : 09/03/2021 4:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Strange noise from extruder, motor or fan

Be cautious lubricating the Bondtech gears, the lubricant must not spread to the filament teeth.  You can maintain their cleanliness through the ports in the sides.

When you next hear the sound, very gently hold the filament above the extruder; do you feel a vibration?

If so, tighten the Bondtech idler screw slightly.  Do not overtighten.

In your second picture the label on the fan is clearly visible; if you suspect the fan, peel back the label and apply a little light oil to the fan hub.  Usually fan noise is a signal that the fan will fail soon, they are cheap, buy a spare in advance.



Veröffentlicht : 10/03/2021 6:03 am
Barca95 gefällt das
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Strange noise from extruder, motor or fan

Today I tried to print with a .gcode exported from PrusaSlicer.

I tried what you said and I wasn't feeling any vibration, but after  6-7 minutes the printer started to have issues of extruding filament and now again it's no more possible to unload the filament... I've broken the the acupunture trying while inserting it into the nozzle.

but as you can see in the past photos I changed the PTFE tube (before doing this I tried also with the acupunture inserted in the nozzle from below)... how is this possible 🙁 ?

Veröffentlicht : 10/03/2021 2:31 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Strange noise from extruder, motor or fan
Posted by: @barca95

I tried what you said and I wasn't feeling any vibration, but after  6-7 minutes the printer started to have issues of extruding filament and now again it's no more possible to unload the filament... I've broken the the acupunture trying while inserting it into the nozzle.

If you've left a needle in the nozzle you will probably have to do a cold pull to remove it.  I generally use a strand of copper teased out of a multistrand strand cable for that job, it's a little gentler than the acupuncture needles.

You may have a very stiff plug of baked filament in the nozzle or a collar of hard stuff lining the hole.  A cold pull should shift this too.

If you're not feeling the vibration then it's still worth adjusting the Bondtech idler pressure but it could be off in either direction - or not.  Count the turns carefully so you know how to get back if necessary.

Veröffentlicht : 10/03/2021 2:49 pm
Barca95 gefällt das
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Strange noise from extruder, motor or fan

I cleaned the PTFE tube, I did a cold pull, I removed a bit of lubrificant from the gears (maybe it was too much), I realigned the extruder gear, I unmounted and mounted the nozzle, I tried different tension for the spring of the idler door... so I tried to do a small print and seems fine (can't say if maybe the internal infill is not good, but the external perimeters are good), but...

I realized a video in one of the previous step I did, because every time I hear this "click noise" (for example in the seconds 21 or 49 of the video):

at this time after so many attempts I'm wondering if it's normal or maybe it comes from the bed or from the power supply...what do you think?

I never payed attention when I mounted the printer if this noise was present...

Veröffentlicht : 11/03/2021 9:40 pm