Strange issue with nozzle overheating after unloading and loading filament
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Strange issue with nozzle overheating after unloading and loading filament  

Active Member
Strange issue with nozzle overheating after unloading and loading filament

I have a real strange issue with mit MK3S printer that started to show up after after the update of the second to last update (which my be a coincidence!). I currently run the latest firmware 3556.


When I start the printer and directly start to print, everything is fine. No issues. But when I start the printer, unload the old filament and load new filament, the next print is always a failure. And that starts before the printing start.


The nozzle will heat up beyond a point where the filament starts to smell burned. The temperature on the displays says 175°, but the nozzle shows smoke and gives a smell of burned plastic so it is obvious, that the temperature is way beyond the point, the display is showing. When this happened the first time, i didn't notice this, as I was out of the room and the printing did start. On the heatbed it was clear so see, that the filament was way too hot and it destroyed the layer on the heatbed.


Did anybody ever notice this kind of issue? Does someone even know how to fix it?

Respondido : 18/02/2021 12:16 pm