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STOPS mid-print  

New Member
STOPS mid-print


My name is Mauro Rodriguez. I been having problems with my MK3S Prusa for the past weeks, and here is my problem:

The past couple of models that I have sent to my printer haven’t finished like they usually do, they seem to stop mid-print. I also want to add that I haven’t done anything different from the past, and this happened out of nowhere. Furthermore, I also noticed the supports did not look like they normally do so I did some research based on that. As a result, I bought new nozzles, change printing speed, bought new filament, and calibrate my printer several of times. After been trying to fix these problems for now weeks, I have given up. I have tried different solutions I found on the web but nothing seems to work. I left a picture of my latest model, and it shows how it stoped mid-print.

Does anyone knows what might be the solution to my problem? I would appreciate it a lot.

Tank you,
Mauro Rodriguez.

Opublikowany : 20/05/2020 8:30 pm