Stop Print - Odd behaviors
When I stop a print mid-way through, I get different responses from the printer. Sometimes the print will just stop and the nozzle will sit on the print, othertimes the Z axis will raise all the way up to 210 mm and the Y axis will move forward, hit the bearing on the left side, and cause the Y motor to skip a bunch of steps. The printer already knows where it is from the original homing, why does it do this? I have tried hitting the reset button and when it comes back up, it just keeps moving forward so I've started powering the printer off for a second and back on. Am I the only one this happens to?
I'm printing off the SD card, I have an Octoprint connected but it's not being used to initiate the print. I'm running FW 3.3.1.
Re: Stop Print - Odd behaviors
No one sees this? That's suprising.
Re: Stop Print - Odd behaviors
Hello brims,
I don't have an answer for you, sorry.
As I understand, it's when you stop the print you have a randomly reaction...
It's not like me, during the print sometimes I have pause/freeze. See topic
Btw I use Octoprint with Raspi 3b USB connected and it work well.
Starting or stop the prints by the Android App "Printdroid" or Octoprint if I'm on the computer, when I stop the print (not very often) nozzle stay in place and temperature are reseted.
I long press the prusa knob to lift off the nozzle and remove the bed...
Bye, Ludovic