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Start of print issue with bed y-axis self calibration  

New Member
Start of print issue with bed y-axis self calibration

Hi everyone,


A little while back, I had an issue with a print, where somehow the X or the Y (or both) axis got offset somehow after about 20 mins into the print. What this looked like is that as the part was growing it was fine for a little, and then all of a sudden the infill was being printed a couple mm to one side. I cancelled the print and started again. This time within a few minutes, it would sense a crash and try to reinitialize itself. After several attempts it would not continue. Because when it was sensing the crash, there was no apparent crashing (ie. part was in  the middle of the bed and the extruder wasn't hitting anything weird), i turned off the crash detection. Since then, I have been encountering an issue with the y-axis self calibration when i start a print. If I turn on the machine and upload a print, it will go through its regular axis self-calibrations before laying its first line, I've noticed that (sometimes worse than others) the y-axis hits either the min or the max ends and starts skipping on the belt. The only way to solve this is to do a manual XYZ calibration every time I print and this is quite time consuming. 

Has anyone else had this issue, and how does one suggest I fix it?




Opublikowany : 04/06/2020 5:17 pm
Active Member
RE: Start of print issue with bed y-axis self calibration

Hey Paul,

I have the exact same issue since I updated the firmware to 3.9.0.

Everything was working fine up until this point.
Did you update as well?

best regards


Opublikowany : 05/06/2020 10:16 pm
Ivan Diaz-Molina
New Member
RE: Start of print issue with bed y-axis self calibration

Hi Paul, I have a similar issue with my MK3S. After starting printing and at not set time, could be minutes or hours, it would shift the X axis and start printing shifted by a couple of centimeters. It happened to me before upgrading, so I do not think it is the upgrade. I also checked for the tension on the X belt and it is within range. 

Wellcome any thoughts.



Opublikowany : 06/06/2020 3:54 pm
Ivan Diaz-Molina
New Member
RE: Start of print issue with bed y-axis self calibration

Paul and Phil, if it is of any help, I reached out to Prusa support and they recommended cleaning and lubricating the axes rods. Everything works fine and very smooth now. It makes a lot of difference.



Opublikowany : 10/06/2020 12:52 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Start of print issue with bed y-axis self calibration


I got the printer about 2 months ago, so if it already needs maintenance that is quite concerning...

I will try it anyways.



Opublikowany : 10/06/2020 5:56 pm