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Source build for 3.5.0 worked, 3.7.0 does this instead  

Source build for 3.5.0 worked, 3.7.0 does this instead

Hi ya'll,

Love my printer and it works great. I never had problems building from source for previous releases (my fork with a minor change for the JTLX filament sensor is here). However a strange problem after rebasing to the new 3.7.0 release and installing. Here's the video of what the LCD looks like:

Anyone have any advice/tips on likely problems? I was previously building with 1.6.13 of the arduino tools, but the new readme says use 1.8.5. Both seem to have this behavior...

Thanks much!

Publié : 18/03/2019 8:12 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
Re: Source build for 3.5.0 worked, 3.7.0 does this instead

Set primary language only in config.h

End of that should look like....

//LANG - Multi-language support
#define LANG_MODE 0 // primary language only
//#define LANG_MODE 1 // sec. language support
#define LANG_SIZE_RESERVED 0x2f00 // reserved space for secondary language (12032 bytes)

#endif //_CONFIG_H

I don't understand why the default state of this file is always such that it is unusable. Any time you rebase, you risk having to make certain this has been properly set before compiling.

Publié : 18/03/2019 8:40 pm
Topic starter answered:
Re: Source build for 3.5.0 worked, 3.7.0 does this instead

ooh thanks so much!

Publié : 18/03/2019 11:04 pm
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