SOLVED Is there a published method for MK3S Hotend maintenance?
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SOLVED Is there a published method for MK3S Hotend maintenance?  

Reputable Member
SOLVED Is there a published method for MK3S Hotend maintenance?

I just finished performing the MK3 -> MK3S upgrade. It took many hours, but I encountered no major difficulties.

The new design does make it very easy to get good access to the heater block for changing out nozzles: just remove the print fan, two bolts from the HotEnd fan, and two more bolts to remove the front half of the heat sink air duct, and it's nice and clear.

But my question concerns what are the steps needed to release the HotEnd heatsink in order to get access to the PTFE tube, for example? Is that published somewhere? Just looking at the assembly, it seems like I'd have to remove the X-axis back plate in order to get access to all the screws that hold the motor on to the assembly - and then what?

EDIT: Answered my own question. Just remove the two bolts that hold the top of the motor, and the door with the Bondtech gear. The motor with its mounting parts pull away. All is now exposed.
(How do I mark this question solved?)

Opublikowany : 28/03/2019 3:26 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: SOLVED Is there a published method for MK3S Hotend maintenance?

EDIT: Answered my own question. Just remove the two bolts that hold the top of the motor, and the door with the Bondtech gear. The motor with its mounting parts pull away. All is now exposed.

Opublikowany : 30/03/2019 2:06 pm