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So what do these numbers really mean?  

Eminent Member
So what do these numbers really mean?

I'm still fighting my printer to get it to print.... so here are the values from the support information:

Y Distance from Min:
Left: 11.69mm
Right: 11.82mm

Measured Skew: 0.08
Slight Skew: 0.12
Severe Skew: 0.25

[0;0] point offset
X -4.2 mm
Y 1.19 mm

Belt Status
X 274
Y 284

Anything in there look out of whack?

Postato : 02/10/2018 6:26 am
Estimable Member
Re: So what do these numbers really mean?

All I would do is release the belts one notch and you might be close to perfect! (240)

No, wait, those measurements are not tension, they are in fact looseness, so you want to reduce looseness, so tighten one notch.

"Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." - Dubya

Postato : 02/10/2018 9:01 am
Estimable Member
Re: So what do these numbers really mean?

All I would do is release the belts one notch and you might be close to perfect! (240)

Don t do that. In the manual it is written, if you loose the belt, you increase the number. It is also written 240+-40 so you are good.
On my side, i tighten the belt to decrease the value (i have similar values to you), but that didn't change much. I will try again later but i suspect those values not to bd so accurate as i find my belt a little bit to tighten.
The scew is the deformation of your frame assembly. 0.08 is very nice. I have that value on my mk3 and 0.13 on my mk2s.

Postato : 03/10/2018 3:40 am
Estimable Member
Re: So what do these numbers really mean?

The scew is the deformation of your frame assembly. 0.08 is very nice. I have that value on my mk3 and 0.13 on my mk2s.

Understanding this remains elusive for me. 'deformation of frame', but in what way, relatively speaking? Is it how the X-axis relates to the Y-axis? Or is it how X and/or Y relates to Z? I have severe skew of .3 and yet have no understanding of what it means and so cannot attempt to correct.

Postato : 30/10/2018 12:08 pm
Estimable Member
Re: So what do these numbers really mean?

The scew is the deformation of your frame assembly. 0.08 is very nice. I have that value on my mk3 and 0.13 on my mk2s.

Understanding this remains elusive for me. 'deformation of frame', but in what way, relatively speaking? Is it how the X-axis relates to the Y-axis? Or is it how X and/or Y relates to Z? I have severe skew of .3 and yet have no understanding of what it means and so cannot attempt to correct.

Don't really know. On one MK3 (Prusa assembly) I got 0.17. The right back attachment of the Y rod to the Aluminium profile (y-rod-holder) was not quite horizontal. I tried to get a nice adjustment. Now the I have 0.01. The twist of the Y axis can be part or total of the skew.

Postato : 30/10/2018 3:00 pm
Estimable Member
Re: So what do these numbers really mean?

On one MK3 (Prusa assembly) I got 0.17. The right back attachment of the Y rod to the Aluminium profile (y-rod-holder) was not quite horizontal. I tried to get a nice adjustment. Now the I have 0.01. The twist of the Y axis can be part or total of the skew.

Well that is a clue for me anyways, thanks for posting!

EDIT: After raising Z to maximum height, and releasing Z tops and retightening (thus aligning ztop interdistance to X axis length, skew reduced. However I am not confident the skew measurement is particularly accurate.

Postato : 30/10/2018 6:53 pm
Estimable Member
Re: So what do these numbers really mean?

...and after a complete mechanical realignment of all axis, skew further reduced, and triple checked. Skew calculation does appear to be accurate. Also, the numbers are actually starting to make sense in my mind, although I cannot articulate it. :ugeek:

Postato : 01/11/2018 6:31 pm