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Slic3r Support Generator  

Illustrious Member
Slic3r Support Generator

Is there any way to tell Slic3r to place a SOLID base layer under supports?

The issue is that Slic3r lays down a 50% filled layer under supports that are easily broken away from the platen. This of course leads to a stringy mess. I've tried many ways to 'improve' the initial layer strength but Slic3r seems to know how to circumvent my attempts to make the support contact area large and 100%.

It seems with all of the adhesion issues we already face, making supports start at 50% fill is very counter productive. Especially if the software creates a support that is 4mm x 4mm at the base and needs to stand up to a 150mm vertical height during printing. Argghh.

Napsal : 29/09/2018 6:10 pm