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SLIC3R PE Gcode Extrusion problems  

Trusted Member
SLIC3R PE Gcode Extrusion problems

Hi guys,

I have a MK3 personally and a RAISE 3D N2 DUAL PLUS at work.

I am printing parts on the Raise but can't get the quality of my MK3 😀

I am using Simplify3D for the Raise and played a lot with settings but there are still defects.

So I just tried to use Slic3R PE, changed the settings of the printer for the Raise, sliced and printed.

While printing nothing come out from the noozle, the extruder motor turns a little, then turn back, turn again, etc etc, so it never extrude anything.

I checked out the GCODE, and I am surprised to see that the E value is really weird, it is always really low and doesn't evolve the right way (decreasing sometimes).

Here is an example of it (it's the same in the all GCODE) :

G1 X66.323 Y72.734 E0.01230
G1 X61.619 Y68.029 E0.20872
G1 X61.818 Y67.695 E0.01221
G1 X66.515 Y72.391 E0.20835
G1 X66.706 Y72.049 E0.01230
G1 X62.018 Y67.361 E0.20798
G1 X62.217 Y67.027 E0.01221
G1 X66.897 Y71.706 E0.20762
G1 X67.092 Y71.368 E0.01226
G1 X62.416 Y66.693 E0.20741
G1 X62.619 Y66.361 E0.01218
G1 X67.291 Y71.034 E0.20728
G1 X67.490 Y70.700 E0.01221
G1 X62.826 Y66.035 E0.20692
G1 X63.034 Y65.710 E0.01212
G1 X67.690 Y70.365 E0.20655
G1 X67.889 Y70.031 E0.01221

It looks clear to me that nothing can be print with that. When I slice with S3D, the E value is still increasing and bigger than 0.01 ...

I did reset Slic3R settings and sliced like if I wanted to print something with my MK3, and had the same result, low values for E ...

How the MK3 can print anything with this ??

Can you confirm me that this GCODE is normal beeing sliced with Slic3R for MK3 ?

If not, what's the problem ?

When coming home tonight I will check out a Gcode that I already print to see if it's the same.

Opublikowany : 13/09/2018 2:50 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: SLIC3R PE Gcode Extrusion problems

Solved the problem, seems that slic3r works with relative distance for extrusion, M83 command in start GCODE

- Thank you Arthur

- Your welcome

Opublikowany : 14/09/2018 10:42 am