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Skipping a layer on my world cup trophy 🙁  

New Member
Skipping a layer on my world cup trophy 🙁

Hi All,

I got this .stl off of thingiverse so I could make some trophies for our work's world cup betting pool. When I put it into PrusaControl, it seemed perfectly fine but as soon as I started printing it, the print suddently went off and separated from the rest of the print. I now have a world cup trophy that cuts off at the north of Africa. For reference, the link is here:

I took a look in Slic3r and it looks like it pretty much skipped a layer and perimeter. Instead, it added an infill about .4mm away from the closest next layer, which yielded a hard stop on the print. Is there any way to amend this? I added pictures to help visualize it.

Thanks so much!

Napsal : 15/06/2018 9:34 am
Famed Member
Re: Skipping a layer on my world cup trophy 🙁

Hi young.s,
you could try to load that file in the microsoft 3d builder.
Maybe the file has to be repaired.
Then just do so by clicking the message and save the file.
This often helps me with corrupt stl files.

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Napsal : 15/06/2018 9:48 am