Setting up PrusaSlic3r in Ubuntu
I run a multi-boot computer, and am finding that there are fewer and fewer reasons to boot to Windows. One of them is the preconfugured settings for the different types of plastic. They just work. Perfectly.
In the past, whenever I'd try to use whatever version slic3r in Linux, I'd have all kinds of default settings for a type of plastic that were not the same as in Windows. I'd like to try to take another step away from Redmond by not having to reboot the computer every time I want to slice something, so today I noticed some text when I floated the cursor over "download for Linux" it says "use Slic3r config bundle and sample object from MacOS package". Has anyone done this? Any advice?
In the meantime, I'll poke around and see if I can figure it out myself.
RE: Setting up PrusaSlic3r in Ubuntu
I use the appimage, this is a package you do not need to install.
Place it on the desktop, make it executable and run it.
that's all.
Go to "See GitHub releases for Linux"
download the appimage.