Self Test/Belt Test error Please check Axis length Axis X - a weird one!
Hi All,
I've been successfully using my printer for 6 months with no issues ever. I had not used it for the past 30 days and turned it on to print something today. Once I selected my print, the X-Axis was moving with a really loud vibration/shuddering sound and it was moving all over the place like it was random (was not following G-Code print). I quickly switched it off.
Now when I run the self-test or belt test I get the error above in the title. When the self-test runs and tries to test the X-Axis, it does not even move the axis, just gives the error.
I can confirm the following:
1) Nothing has changed with the printer since I last used it (when it worked fine) - it has simply been sitting on my desk.
2) The X Axis (and all axis's)are free to move with no obstructions
3) When I run the calibration, when you put the paper on the hotbed to tune Z Axis, the X-Axis moves but violently shakes the printer - it seems to be the X-Axis is moving one direction to another so very quickly that it is causing this huge vibration
4) There are no loose parts on the printer - I have checked everything!
5) I have flashed the firmware again. When it reboots, the X-Axis initially moves smoothly and normally completely from left to right, but after this, the same shuttering occurs when I try to either run the self-test or print.
I really do not know where to go from here? Could there actually be a hardware malfunction?
2 videos showing the issue:
Any help would be appiciated
RE: Self Test/Belt Test error Please check Axis length Axis X - a weird one!
Well, I thought I would check everything again for the 5th time. Ended up that the blue wire from the X-Axis motor had ever so slightly come out of the black connector that plugs into the electronics board. All working fine!