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Second I3 Mk3 went belly up after 273M of Printing  

Trusted Member
Second I3 Mk3 went belly up after 273M of Printing

I had major issues with my first I3 Mk3 I don't want to get into it read my other posts if you want to know... Prusa support send me a replacement printer which I left in the box till about two weeks ago.
I took it out I opened it and noticed this (See Image DSC_0084" I figured it was just cosmetic and tested the printer and sure enough out of the box it printed a thousand times better then my last I3 Mk3.
I was getting it dialed in and figured it was ready for the big stuff I tried to print one of these. (see image 433721d8ac66f64a9b674e91a058f43b_preview_featured) I woke up the next morning with one of these (see DSC_0085).

I cleaned it up I reset and all I get is this (See DSC_0083) I checked all the cables, I checked all the screws I re-ran the calibration over and over again, I adjusted the Pinda a tiny turn at a time and re-ran the calibration again, and again, and again, and again and again nearly eight hours of trying. it fails to calibrate, it fails to find the calibration points, it is stuck in a loop of run calibration no calibration found.

I am running the newest official firmware I am only using the default Slic3r Prusa MK3 edition and only using Prusa filament.
Again I have a 1000 dollar paperweight it is just not worth the stress, I am zero for two on good MK3 printers I am not even sure I want to try another replacement from Prusa,
I am going to see if Prusa will give me back my money, being burned twice just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I am spending over four bucks a meter for as much filament as I have printed.

Napsal : 15/06/2018 3:03 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Second I3 Mk3 went belly up after 273M of Printing

Missed an attachment

Napsal : 15/06/2018 3:04 am
Eminent Member
Re: Second I3 Mk3 went belly up after 273M of Printing

I would keep doing small stuff for a week or two. I did what you did with my printer which was go 'oh I did a few small prints time for a giant one!' and wound up with issues.

Can you print a benchy? If so, can you take a picture of the bottom of it, or the bottom of this print that failed? I think you're having first layer adhesion issues, which is probably what happened to get that spaghetti. It was doing great, then popped off the bed because it wasn't stuck enough. Sometimes spaghetti just happens, which is an issue on ALL 3D Printers. I have coworkers with different brands and they run into this on bigger prints, too. Otherwise your print looks completely fine prior to the spaghetti.

You can skip the walkthrough calibration and just do it manually. But you didn't mention what caused it to stop. Was it during the x, y, or z calibration? Can you take a picture of the pinda with the nozzle close to the bed so we can see the height it's at since you tried to change it?

I've been reading all your threads and I was tempted to offer to buy your broken Prusa to play with haha.

Napsal : 15/06/2018 8:33 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Second I3 Mk3 went belly up after 273M of Printing

I would keep doing small stuff for a week or two. I did what you did with my printer which was go 'oh I did a few small prints time for a giant one!' and wound up with issues.

A: I can't print anything it won't calibrate if I even try it get to the probing the bed and fails

Can you print a benchy? If so, can you take a picture of the bottom of it, or the bottom of this print that failed? I think you're having first layer adhesion issues, which is probably what happened to get that spaghetti. It was doing great, then popped off the bed because it wasn't stuck enough. Sometimes spaghetti just happens, which is an issue on ALL 3D Printers. I have coworkers with different brands and they run into this on bigger prints, too. Otherwise your print looks completely fine prior to the spaghetti.

A: The first layer was perfect not sure why it did that but it is SNAFU and FUBAR now!

You can skip the walkthrough calibration and just do it manually. But you didn't mention what caused it to stop. Was it during the x, y, or z calibration? Can you take a picture of the pinda with the nozzle close to the bed so we can see the height it's at since you tried to change it?

A: I can but not today or even this week I just don't want to even look at it, my other five printers are working perfectly (and FYI before people jump me for taking all the I3 MK3's like I have seen in other posts only one of my printers has ever been a Prusa"

I've been reading all your threads and I was tempted to offer to buy your broken Prusa to play with haha.

Napsal : 15/06/2018 11:58 pm