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Revo 6 flow rate  

Reputable Member
Revo 6 flow rate

So I have printed with pet-g and abs so far. 

the 0.25 nozzle and 0.4 nozzle work perfectly

the 0.6 nozzle seems to over extrude, to the point that it is pushing the nozzle through the top layer, which makes the top layer very ugly. It is not pillowing, or not enough layers on the top. I have a piece i am printing that is only about 2mm tall so it is nearly solid and it shows it the worst. What has been happening is that it will print so far, have a blob of all the scraped filament that it drops and then knocks over something i am printing and has to be cancelled. I just tried changing the flow on the printer (under the tune menu) to 90% and even 85 and it still is too much.

Any suggestions welcome. I'm going to contact e3d also but thought maybe someone here had some experience.

This topic was modified před 2 years by Chris
Napsal : 03/12/2022 5:02 am