Resume after power fail not working as of FW3.3.0 on. Should it?
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Resume after power fail not working as of FW3.3.0 on. Should it?  

Illustrious Member
Resume after power fail not working as of FW3.3.0 on. Should it?

When I first received my Mk3 earlier this year, the resume-on-power fail worked flawlessly. Shortly thereafter, I updated the firmware to 3.3.0-830 and noticed that it no longer worked. If I pulled the plug, the printer would start the recovery process, but eventually move the head over the print and stop. I understood there was a firmware issue so have been patiently waiting for an update. I'm currently running 3.3.1-845 and it still fails. My questions:

  • Should power resume be working under 3.3.1?

  • If not, is a fix expected?
  • If this is working for anybody, I'd appreciate any tips on how to resolve what's causing the problem.

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    He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

    Publié : 09/09/2018 11:12 pm
    New Member
    Re: Resume after power fail not working as of FW3.3.0 on. Should it?

    Hmm, just had a power outage this morning and when the power came back on I see no option to resume the print, how is that supposed to work? I thought it was going to ask to resume automatically, at least it was only a few hours in…

    Publié : 11/09/2018 10:49 pm
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