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Resonating bed  

Eminent Member
Resonating bed

Hi i have this problem... i alraedy took the headed bed off.. and it has still play on the barring i think it needs replacement or is this normal?

see movie


Napsal : 31/05/2021 9:48 am
RE: Resonating bed
Posted by: @johann

Hi i have this problem... i alraedy took the headed bed off.. and it has still play on the barring i think it needs replacement or is this normal?

see movie


What kind of play do you have in bearings?  Which Bearings?  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 31/05/2021 1:31 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Resonating bed
Posted by: @johann

Hi i have this problem... i alraedy took the headed bed off.. and it has still play on the barring i think it needs replacement or is this normal?

see movie


- Linear bearing U-bolt screws not tightened enough
- defective linear bearings

- too much backlash on the linear rods

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 31/05/2021 2:17 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Resonating bed


OEM barrings from Prusa, Printer is 1 week old and noise is getting more.. as more i print.. i will get the bed of and see how much play it is..





Napsal : 31/05/2021 2:34 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Resonating bed
Posted by: @karl-herbert
Posted by: @johann

Hi i have this problem... i alraedy took the headed bed off.. and it has still play on the barring i think it needs replacement or is this normal?

see movie



- too much backlash on the linear rods

- Linear bearing U-bolt screws not tightened enough

checked and tight

- defective linear bearings

Iam thinking that

- too much backlash on the linear rods

also tight and no movement


Napsal : 31/05/2021 2:38 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Resonating bed


- Linear bearing U-bolt screws not tightened enough

checked and tight

Take care, if they are too tight they will damage the bearings.  They should be *just* tight and then a quarter turn more.


Napsal : 31/05/2021 3:14 pm
RE: Resonating bed
Posted by: @karl-herbert
Posted by: @johann

Hi i have this problem... i alraedy took the headed bed off.. and it has still play on the barring i think it needs replacement or is this normal?

see movie


- Linear bearing U-bolt screws not tightened enough
- defective linear bearings

- too much backlash on the linear rods

I agree with Karl and the others.  That will create all of the problems as you describe them.  Keep us up-to-date.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 31/05/2021 3:20 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Resonating bed

If that printer is a week old it is a MK3s+. That doesn't have the u-bolts but the news bearing clips. The instructions are different than for the u-bolts. The bearing clips should be fully tightened. (with normal force, these are just m3 bolts)

Napsal : 31/05/2021 6:31 pm