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Replacing the heater and thermistor
I bought and installed a BondTech 50W heater and had a problem with temperature fluctuations of 3-7 degrees. Making a new temperature profile didn't change anything. My friend advised me to replace the thermistor. I bought an RTD Pt1000 and wanted to adapt the software and came across a problem. I bought the printer in 2019 and I understand that the variants I should choose are 1_75mm_MK3S-EINSy10a-E3Dv6full.h? If so, I noticed that the model temperature (e3d_v6.h) is set to 38W and maybe this causes these temperature jumps.
Does anyone have verified temperature model settings for the heater BondTech 50W?
Napsal : 03/10/2023 8:12 am