Removing SD while printing
I was just wondering if the i3 MK3 loads the gcode from the SD to memory prior to printing. I would like to be able to load the next item onto the card before the first has finished.
Obviously I can just buy two cards but I thought I would check.
Re: Removing SD while printing
I have not tested this after the latest firmware upgrade, but what I can say is that it has not been possible so far. You remove the SD card, the printer stops. Period. In my opinion this is not the smartest behavior I could think of.
3D Druck für Einsteiger leicht gemacht:
Re: Removing SD while printing
The printer has a very small amount of memory to work with. It is not buffering the entire gcode file.
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He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan