Refining gcode
How do I make my gcode smoother? There are anomalies in a smooth face of a print that are clearly in the gcode. If I go to the layer in slic3r the irregularities are shown as "perimeters" instead of "gap fill." Is there an easy fix for this?
Re: Refining gcode
you're going to need to post pictures and the model.
Re: Refining gcode
Yes, pictures will help. Use the "attachments" tab below the text editing box to upload pictures to the forum server.
Perimeters will normally be the visible faces of the part. Gap fill should only be internal.
How many perimeters are you specifying? If only one or two perimeters are specified then sometimes the infill pattern will create slight irregularities on the visible face of the object.
If your object has very thin, free-standing walls then you might want to look at the Trace Width relative to the thickness of the wall; ideally the wall should be exactly 1, 2, 4, or 6 times the trace width. Once you get over 4 trace widths, however, then Slic3r can start using infill or gap fill in the middle of the wall.