Raspberry Pi LAN or Wireless?
Which connection is best LAN or wifi for the Raspberry Pi? And are there any configuration differences between them that need to be addressed (no pun intended)?
RE: Raspberry Pi LAN or Wireless?
Either will work well. For WiFi you'll of course have to configure the SSID/Password, but once you do that, you should not see much of a difference. The real difference is running a cable vs wifi signal strength where the Raspberry Pi will be located.
RE: Raspberry Pi LAN or Wireless?
If it is physically possible, I would prefer a LAN connection because it is usually faster, more stable and more secure. Setting up LAN or WLAN network connections on the Pi is easy for both methods.
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Raspberry Pi LAN or Wireless?
I've used old Rapsberry Pi 1 B rev 2 in both wired and wireless modes with Prusalink with no issues since the data throughput to the USB connector ofthe MK3S+ is actually low
Hope it helps
RE: Raspberry Pi LAN or Wireless?
Thanks guys!