Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"
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Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"  

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Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"

This issue occurs on an i3 MK3S which was purchased as a kit this spring, and assmbled by us.

The printer in general is working very well. We have another MK3S and an MK2S.

We use the printer a lot.

For a while now, the printer has randomly stopped during a print. The printer stops, and the display shows "MINTEMP FIXED", followed by "please restart". This stop is not recoverable.  There is no way to resume a print once this error has occured. The only thing that works is pressing the "X" button on the LCD Display panel, or to manually turn the printer off and back on.

The error does not occur all the time. Some prints go through, some show the error. Sometimes the error occurs right in the beginning, sometimes later. The error occurs consistently, but specific occurences are random. For example, it may take three attempts before a job gets past the first layer, but then it prints the rest fine.

I have checked on the web and on these forums. Other people have this issue as well. I am not quite satisfied with the explanation. It seems that there can be different errors that cause this issue, ranging from a defective cable to reverting the firmware to an earlier version.

Many answers to similar error reports mention this article: https://help.prusa3d.com/article/am4dykf2rw-mintemp

This article does not solve my problem. I do not have problems with MINTEMP. I have the problem that "MINTEMP FIXED" randomly occurs, and often, failing my prints.

The temprerature of the room where the printer is located is 23°C, and it is pretty consistent. We also have another MK3S right next to it, that never has this issue.

It would be very helpful to get a clear guideline what issues to check to single out the error source, as it can have several reasons.

I would also be interested in a workaround that allows me to disable whatever feature is causing this error. Clearly there is no problem with the ambient temperature, and the printer can print consistently without error. I assume that if the feature that causes this event was simply disabled, the printer would print fine.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Respondido : 13/12/2019 11:17 am
New Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


I have exactly the same issue with my I3MK3S purchased as a kit the 16th of june 2019.

Updating the firmware doesn't work.

If I set the Y axis to his max position, the printer stops and display shows "MINTEMP BED" and after a few moment "MINTEMP fixed" - "please restart"

It's look like the temp sensor of the bed doesn't work if Y axis is going far in the + direction...

I cannot print anymore, the printer stops when taking his references (Y+)

Respondido : 15/12/2019 9:20 am
Estimable Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"

I too am now having this problem.

My initial thought is a electric wire break somewhere. 

My error may occur when the z axis is too high.

I was contemplating posting in the forum for some suggestions for a video camera setup arrangement so I could determine where the head is when the error occurs.

I have manually moved the head around up near the top left corner to try to recreate the problem, no luck.

For some reason I don't think the root problem is the bed. But maybe I have blinders on.

Mk3 - 1X
Mk3S - 2X
2021 Hyundai Palisade
Wife - 1X

Respondido : 15/12/2019 12:12 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


This is similar to my case. Moving the x and z axis never causes the error. The error is always caused by movement of the y axis, i.e. the bed.

Usually I can reproduce the error by movement of the heatbed. It is usually fast movements, or bringing the bed all the way to the front. However, when I could not reproduce the error after I had reconnected the heat bed cable to the board, this was not proof that the error was fixed. The error then occurred again during printing.

Another observation: the "MINTEMP FIXED" message is just masking the "MINTEMP BED" error. Whatt I have is a MINTEMP BED error. Only the printer thinks it is just a small error, and that he has fixed it. This does not really make the error worse. But it made the diagnosis more difficult.

In my case there is a small opening in the tape that fixes the heat bed sensor to the bottom of the heatbed. I am tackling that one next.

It would be good to have more granular error reporting, or more advanced diagnosis tools, to quickly zero in on the problem. Of course I can order a new sensor and disassemble and reassemble the printer. But that is a lot of work, and reassembling the printer carries the risk of introducing further errors.

If anyone else has had this issue, please report your observations in this thread. Maybe there is a common method to pinpoint the issue.

Respondido : 15/12/2019 1:23 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


The z axis (up direction) is not the issue with my printer. You having the same error message but a different source of the error is difficult to interpret. The components moving the z axis are largely independent from the ones moving the y axis, safe for joining on the board. Possible reasons:

1) z axis movement causes cables to move that cause the mintemp bed error. Then we would still have the same root cause of a bad wire or faulty connection, just due to the individual constitution of each setup we have different triggers.

2) The common cause of the error is a problem with the board.

I think it has to do with the heat bed sensor. What you could try: remove the heat bed sensor from the heat bed, and let it be free, but attached to the board. Then try to recreate the error.

Respondido : 15/12/2019 1:32 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"

This f**king error is driving me crazy honestly. Mine was a kit I also assembled (back in August) and it's been a bloody plague on my prints. I even got the heatbed cables replaced under warranty and it's now acting up again, and it really sucks losing 2 day prints with only hours left because of this stupid error. And why isn't it one the machine can recover from? Seriously it can resume from power outages, but not because the heatbed acts up a bit? 

Respondido : 16/12/2019 1:03 am
Noble Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"

I've seen posts and youtube vids re. broken thermister wires causing similar problems. When the cable is put under any stress ie extreme hard left/right etc. the wire core parts and the reading from the thermisor goes to zero.

I saw a printed part to strain relieve the cable bundle.

No notion if that will help but it can't hurt to swap out the termistors and if it doesn't solve the problem at least you got spares.


Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 5 years por towlerg
Respondido : 16/12/2019 3:08 pm
Noble Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"

Tried to update previous but timed out I guess.

Have you seen this thread https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/original-prusa-i3-mk3s-mk3-general-discussion-announcements-and-releases/all-of-sudden-now-getting-mintemp-bed-error-and-printer-stops-new-mk3s-printer-barely-a-monthold/   and have you spoken to support?

Respondido : 16/12/2019 3:15 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


I think I saw a similar reddit thread. I am having the same issue with the support chat - it also does not show up for me. This is why I came here. I'll try to enable the chat, and figure out with them what spares to order. Thanks!

Respondido : 16/12/2019 3:31 pm
Noble Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"

It is slightly odd that the Chat Now option does not appear from the Support tab, I could only get it from the eShop tab. Oh now I see, it also appears if you click "Contact us".

Respondido : 16/12/2019 6:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


a quick update: I do still have the error. I found a way to keep the printer in operation without fixing the error.

I am printing smaller parts located around the middle of the platform in the Y direction. This means the printer does not have to travel far in either Y direction. I have done three sixteen hour prints so far, and all of them completed successfully.

That is my workaround for now. The next step is to investigate all the cables further, which could take several hours.

Thank you everyone for the feedback and tips.


Respondido : 19/12/2019 5:08 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"

My MK3 bed thermistor cable is broken due to the heat and the numerous pendulum movements.
I replaced this with heat-resistant, flexible OELFLEX cables.
The heat-resistant OELFLEX cables have proven their worth; no problems occured anymore since 1 1/2 years. Actuall firmware is 3.8.0/1.0.6 (MK3S/MMU2S).


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 20/12/2019 3:04 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


Thanks for the hint. I'll give those a shot.

Respondido : 20/12/2019 12:08 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


good news: I fixed the problem.

The thermistor was broken. Either the cable, or the tip of the cable. I just swapped out the whole thing. I had a spare. The reason why I was cautious to replace it: I had changed the heat bed sensor (thermistor) once on my MK2S. There it was a real hassle, as it was difficult to separate the print bed from the printer. On the MK3S it was surprisingly easy.

After removing the faulty heat bed sensor, I replaced it with another faulty sensor that I still had in my toolbox: same error. When I used a brand new one, the problem went away immediately.

As I wrote, this has happened once before on my MK2S. I think this is a component that has a high  likelihood of failure. We print a lot with our Prusas, which may contribute to the failure rate.

It is probaby wise to have at least 1 spare heat bed sensor if you own a Prusa i3.

Thank you for all the help!

Respondido : 20/12/2019 2:06 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


I think the cable is broken. These standard cables are not optimal for this purpose, which is why I use industrial OELFLEX cables. I have also use these cables for my CNC milling machine since over 10 years and have never had a cable breakdown. They are expensive, but save a lot of trouble and work.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 20/12/2019 3:38 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


Is soldering required to use your cable?

What gauge, length, loose coil or tight?

Mk3 - 1X
Mk3S - 2X
2021 Hyundai Palisade
Wife - 1X

Respondido : 20/12/2019 10:40 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


Yes, soldering is required. It is best to cut, solder and isolate with shrink tubing near the thermistor and the plug.

I'm using this cable:

Minimum bending radius in motion about 15mm. This cable is working on my MK3 since 1 1/2 years without any issue

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 21/12/2019 1:07 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


did you solve the problem and the printer is running now?

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 12/01/2020 5:13 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"


I have not had the problem for the past three weeks.

I am still puzzled as to the origins. But as they say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Mk3 - 1X
Mk3S - 2X
2021 Hyundai Palisade
Wife - 1X

Respondido : 13/01/2020 2:31 am
New Member
RE: Random print failures, display shows "MINTEMP fixed", and "please restart"

I just got this yesterday on my MK3S. I had a fairly large print going, an 11 hour print that is a large circle that takes a lot of area. I checked it periodically, and somewhere around the the 7 hour mark it stopped, and had the Mintemp Fixed Please Restart error showing. I started the print again.

After about a couple hours, it stopped with the same error. At this point I Googled for information and saw talk about thermistors and wiring. I tried to wiggle the wires, but I could not get the reading to go to zero. They kept showing a steady measurement.

So I started the print again. Once again, after a couple hours, it stopped with the error again...in EXACTLY THE SAME SPOT of the print as the previous time.

So I'm really confused about what the issue is. How could it error at the same exact point of the print?

Respondido : 13/01/2020 4:22 am
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